Intake Filter?


Well-Known Member
hey i was wondering what u guys use to filter your intake(if u do). Im gonna need to keep out some bugs. was thinking of just using some material from an A/C filter. any ideas?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are bringing in outside air. If that is the case I would suggest cutting a furnace filter (maybe the same as an A/C filter) as it allows good flow while keeping out most large bugs. I just bring in air from another room so no need to filter.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are bringing in outside air. If that is the case I would suggest cutting a furnace filter (maybe the same as an A/C filter) as it allows good flow while keeping out most large bugs. I just bring in air from another room so no need to filter.
its in the garage and way too far to bring in from another room. just a lil box in the corner =]


Well-Known Member
if the garage isnt crawling with bugs i would use a fine screen to maximize airflow and keep most of the bugs out


Well-Known Member
I'm in my gerage as well. I have I old carbon filter cover as my screen. Didn't cut it and used a 3 dollar vent cover placed in the middle. Once a week I move it so dust and crap is moved from the hole. Kind of like the cloth towels in dome bathrooms. When all dirty a hand wash it with sented detergent rince and dry. Replace.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I don't mind adding to this thread. Obviously someone has an interest or it wouldn't be being searched. I would hijack a pair of my girlfriends panty hose and stretch it over the vent tubing and fasten it there with some tape.


I would hijack a pair of my girlfriends panty hose and stretch it over the vent tubing and fasten it there with some tape.
This is what i was thinking of. How would that work against spidermites and other small nasties? I dont have a bug problem yet, but i'm scaaared of losing my girls

I would be using air from the house, not outside air so its not a massive concern, but i would like to keep my risks to a minimum


Well-Known Member
Spidermites don't really come in from the outside air. Most of the time you bring them in. Clones that have them been in a room with them so they are on your clothes. But the worse culpret is pets.


Well-Known Member
Oh and spidermites love house plants so just because your using inside air dosnt mean you won't get them. I spry everything. My house plants and my rooms with mighty wash every month. Not a issue any more. I never go into someone's room and then mine without changing.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I have reason to believe that mites can infect seeds. I've seen mites show up in -50C weather and I know for a fact they didn't come from outside or antwhere else.


Active Member
i always filter ALL incoming air...get furnace filters from home less than 1500 micron heppa furnace filter ..get a big box and cut and make a filter housing, plum to all intakes, no mould no bugs no dust or pollon....oh and makes yer carbon can last longer,