Iran Declares Victory Over Obama


Well-Known Member
It would take me weeks to reference all your lies.
I have a real job.
Not interested.
but you said it was continuous. thus you should have many examples to pull from. continuous examples, one might say.

so get to it already, or prove yourself a liar in the process. your choice.


Well-Known Member
Funny how Americans support Saudi Arabia (the largest supporter of Sunni Islamists in the world) yet reject the vastly more Westernised and somewhat more secular Shia nation of Iran.

Compare an Iranian to a Pakistani and then try tell me who the more nutty nutbar is...and then try tell me why your nation should support the ones nuttier than squirrel shit.


Well-Known Member
What act perpetuated by the united states then caused the terrorism to start?
In 1947 President Harry Truman was warned by his joint chief of staff that reconizing the state of israel and backing it up would cause a constant state of war in the middle east. We were warned but american zionist pressured anyway so here we are no suprise, just read a little history stop being so dumbed up.


Well-Known Member
In 1947 President Harry Truman was warned by his joint chief of staff that reconizing the state of israel and backing it up would cause a constant state of war in the middle east. We were warned but american zionist pressured anyway so here we are no suprise, just read a little history stop being so dumbed up.


Well-Known Member
It would take me weeks to reference all your lies.
I have a real job.
Not interested.
Wow. He asked for an example and you say you don't have time to reference all of them? That's seriously your response?

Finutes and Finugs I suppose. But it doesn't roll off the tongue very nicely.


Well-Known Member
fake Nostradamus quote is fake.
but then all Nostradamus quotes are fake to one degree or another, this one is actually fraudulent.

he never mumbled these words.
Point out where it is attributed to Nostrodamus please. It must be there somewhere for you to claim it, have a great day!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Point out where it is attributed to Nostrodamus please. It must be there somewhere for you to claim it, have a great day!
countless variations of those words were circulated in chain e-mails after 9/11.

each one is fake, and each one claims to be writ by Nostradamus.

most even featured an attribution: "~Nostradamus 1656"

which is doubly impressive since he died in 1566. Lol Lexdycsia

failing to include the fail attribution does not remove the stink from a fake Nostradamus prediction, it merely increases the fail, since you knew it was fake, and posted it anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Out of the country of Greater Arabia Shall be born a strong master of Mohammed,
He will enter Europe wearing a blue turban.
He will be the terror of mankind.
Never more horror.

Quatrain 9:73

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city.

Century VI, Quatrain 97

By fire he will destroy their city,
A cold and cruel heart,
Blood will pour,
Mercy to none.

Century 1, Quatrain 87

Sorry Kynes, you got it wrong this time, all you have to do is actually read those links you put up and do 5 minutes of research. Good try though.


Well-Known Member
I love America the country, but I hate America the government, and ANY country that gets one up on the US is a great win in my book, no matter how big or small. If the US government kept its nose out of other countries, I believe this "hate war" would probably not be happening. Unless your requested by a particular countries government or people, STAY THE FUCK OUT.
then you see we have the issue of all the other lame ass countries that cant defend themselves. obviously a nuclear threat to one of those said countries wouldn't effect the us at all, were just a bunch of bleeding hearts.


Well-Known Member
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the current Supreme Leader of Iran and a Shia Cleric.

According to Iran's Constitution, the Supreme Leader is responsible for the delineation and supervision of "the general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran," which means that he sets the tone and direction of Iran's domestic and foreign policies. The Supreme Leader also is commander-in-chief of the armed forces and controls the Islamic Republic's intelligence and security operations; he alone can declare war or peace.
Holy crap. I had to do a double take. beenthere actually stated some facts that were accurate. I think I might cry. This is a beautiful moment.