Iris and Sadie


New Member
So are yours showing sex now? I clipped a small clone off mine and started it in some damp soil. I just want to be able to see the sex of mine.

I think it's going to have to root first so I think I'm going to start Lucinda on 12/12 maybe a little earlier and grow the clone out. If Lucinda is a girl then I'll have a second one. IF it's a boy they'll both get trashed.


Well-Known Member
I have four phases of my grow; the first two were with my bag seeds, the third with one set of gifted seeds, the fourth with another set of gifted seeds. The plants remaining from the first two phases are the ones beginning to show sex. Out of 9 remaining from the original 25 I have 4 definite males and 2 definite females. One isn't showing yet, and two are looking BAD, so they'll probably become compost.


Well-Known Member
Sorry! :oops: I keep meaning to, and then I get distracted. Pass somma that, would you? I've been dry going on three weeks now, and there is not a bud to be found in this county.


New Member
damn 3 weeks here

bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie

thats gotta suck. Since my kids are gown they always know somebody who knows somebody so I can usually for the most part find something.

Things have been seeming dryer and dryer around here lately, always happens this time of year.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Whats up girl!!!! See you and Sealady are buddies. . . .mind if i join the party? :mrgreen:

Looking like the beginning of my bagseed grow. . . .just for a boost of confidence, my fem is round about 50" tall!!!

I'm scribed!!



Well-Known Member
well if blazin is pulling up a chair I might as well to! Always like to catch em early, ya get to know all the players! scribed+rep

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New Member
the biggest one is Lucinda and that one is around 2 months old.

Iris and Sadie the next 2 will be 4 weeks tomorrow

flotsom and this one that's been outside are 3 weeks today.

the one that's just been outside was one that sprung up out of the blue, must of gotten washed around in the pot somehow and now it's growing up at the side instead of the middle. I've been doing all kinds of mean shit to that plant and it's growing faster than the ones that are older than it.

It's been getting miracle grow since I noticed it in the pot. I've watered it with creek water, sometimes I don't water it at all. It just sits outside and grows. Since it's doing so well out there I put Iris and Sadie and Flotsom out there with it for now.

It's barely 4 weeks until 12/12 out there so I'm think the one that does the best gets to come in to the grow cabinet and the rest get to stay out and flower. I have space limitations and was going to start Lucinda on 12/12 tomorrow, but I snipped a little branch to clone.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
the biggest one is Lucinda and that one is around 2 months old.

Iris and Sadie the next 2 will be 4 weeks tomorrow

flotsom and this one that's been outside are 3 weeks today.

the one that's just been outside was one that sprung up out of the blue, must of gotten washed around in the pot somehow and now it's growing up at the side instead of the middle. I've been doing all kinds of mean shit to that plant and it's growing faster than the ones that are older than it.

It's been getting miracle grow since I noticed it in the pot. I've watered it with creek water, sometimes I don't water it at all. It just sits outside and grows. Since it's doing so well out there I put Iris and Sadie and Flotsom out there with it for now.

It's barely 4 weeks until 12/12 out there so I'm think the one that does the best gets to come in to the grow cabinet and the rest get to stay out and flower. I have space limitations and was going to start Lucinda on 12/12 tomorrow, but I snipped a little branch to clone.

Cool i'd say keep it around 1/4 strength for a week or two then bump it up. And next time you water with plain water add 30ml/gallon of hydrogen peroxide!! You'll be amazed!
