That's very interesting, Huel. Is the CBD in the leaf unique to CBD, or are other Cannabinoids also found in the leaf (in low quantities)?
Labs can do leaf testing from plants still in veg. I have only heard of this being done when looking high CBD phenos. This is in no way an accurate way to determine what cannabinoid levels of finished flowers will be because total cannabinoid levels in leaves are usually in the 0.5% total or less range. This testing comes in handy when doing CBD pheno hunting by seed, any measurable amount of CBD in leaf material usually means you will yield high CBD flowers.
Cool. Thanks. So this leaf testing is to get a handle on what the finished flower would be. Maybe you could test a plant 4 weeks into flower or such? That sorta thing?
Would be cool if there were some ratio found. Like .001% in immature leaf tends to make 10% in finished flower. Sounds unlikely but it sounds like this test is sort of to get a rough idea, will this plant have a "lot" of CBD or not when finished, sorta thing.
Ten beans planted, seven plants, three female, four male.
Bean number 6, leaf test during veg: 0.3%THCA 0.0% CBD
Product tested at 14% THC 0.4% CBD
Bean number 4, leaf test during veg: 0.0%THCA 0.2% CBD
Product tested at 1.4% THC 14.8% CDB
Bean number 7, leaf test during veg: 0.1%THCA 0.1% CBD
Product tested at 7.9% THC 7.2% CBD
Has anyone tried the QuantaCann testing?
They have it at ArborSide in A2.
The trichs look clear in the 240x photo. are those actual photos our just some stock photo iron uses?
not seeing even one amber trich as well.
well ya i mean thats usually how it goes. but in my growing ventures and different tests done, picking on the early side always leads to higher thc count but not always the best high. sometimes its almost as if its too much. for example, like a vodka redbull with too much redbull, too much up not enough down. and on the other side u let it go to long and its like a vodka redbull with too much vodka, ya it fucks u up but it also makes u tired. i believe in a happy medium so i guess my question for u gruber is do u think the freedom 35 is better with clear trichs or milky??