Iron Labs Testing

That's very interesting, Huel. Is the CBD in the leaf unique to CBD, or are other Cannabinoids also found in the leaf (in low quantities)?
That's very interesting, Huel. Is the CBD in the leaf unique to CBD, or are other Cannabinoids also found in the leaf (in low quantities)?

I'm not sure about all the cannabinoids but THC will show up as well, THC and CBD are usually the only cannabinoids with significant amounts high enough to be measured by most cannabis testing labs.
Cool. Thanks. So this leaf testing is to get a handle on what the finished flower would be. Maybe you could test a plant 4 weeks into flower or such? That sorta thing?

Would be cool if there were some ratio found. Like .001% in immature leaf tends to make 10% in finished flower. Sounds unlikely but it sounds like this test is sort of to get a rough idea, will this plant have a "lot" of CBD or not when finished, sorta thing.
From what little I have read the only thing you can tell in leaf is the ratio. that could be sky high at the ratio or dirt floor low, just the ratio. Maybe there is more out there to read to clarify but the small article I read was clear about it only being a ratio with no total potency hints.
Labs can do leaf testing from plants still in veg. I have only heard of this being done when looking high CBD phenos. This is in no way an accurate way to determine what cannabinoid levels of finished flowers will be because total cannabinoid levels in leaves are usually in the 0.5% total or less range. This testing comes in handy when doing CBD pheno hunting by seed, any measurable amount of CBD in leaf material usually means you will yield high CBD flowers.

Would just like to add what should also be noted is the ratio of thc:cbd in the results of this leaf testing.

I test with Iron Labs for a variety of reasons. I like to analyze data. When I can see my results and compare them with all of the public results going back 3 years, a lot can be learned, heck just looking at the pics and seeing the broad spectrum of plants, ie. comparing all the gdp samples and see how different they look, because they are different. My Mosca Seeds Cinderella 99 BX-1 tested higher in THC than all other Cindys with public results tested there, that doesn't mean anything other than just that, it certainly wasn't the best looking sample they have up. My Star Tonic had the 2nd highest THC% of all Star Tonic's tested at that time, but had the lowest CBD% of all the ones tested. Now hmmmm, that tells me something.

Just wish they would attempt at gathering as much data as possible like: Breeder, Clone or Seed, Flowering Days, Dry Days, Cure Days and that all tests included terpene profiles. One day I envision being able to look at a terpene profile result of a sample and like Neo looking at the Matrix we will be able to know what that sample smells and tastes like because we have an understanding of the data. Their site could certainly be better at making comparisons than the regular spreadsheet options, and it might not be worthy now, but the more data compiled, the more ways to better extrapolate.

Cool. Thanks. So this leaf testing is to get a handle on what the finished flower would be. Maybe you could test a plant 4 weeks into flower or such? That sorta thing?

Would be cool if there were some ratio found. Like .001% in immature leaf tends to make 10% in finished flower. Sounds unlikely but it sounds like this test is sort of to get a rough idea, will this plant have a "lot" of CBD or not when finished, sorta thing.

The whole point of leaf testing is so you won't have to waste time, energy and space flowering out plants that won't produce significant CBD levels when you're hunting for CBD rich plant.

A few years back, the guy who originally grew the Cannatonic pheno known to us as "Cannatonic #4" from seed discovered it was special by doing leaf testing prior to flowering. This was what he told me he found with his testing.

Ten beans planted, seven plants, three female, four male.

Bean number 6, leaf test during veg: 0.3%THCA 0.0% CBD
Product tested at 14% THC 0.4% CBD

Bean number 4, leaf test during veg: 0.0%THCA 0.2% CBD
Product tested at 1.4% THC 14.8% CDB

Bean number 7, leaf test during veg: 0.1%THCA 0.1% CBD
Product tested at 7.9% THC 7.2% CBD
Thanks Huel and Sativasfied for your input. I was hoping to be able to get a full thc analysis but I kinda figured it wouldn't be as I thought. I too want to breed and yes, save time doing it by not having to flower a ton of seeds. I am working on getting high CBD strain in my hands and just play around with it. Lab testing will help me either way.
Has anyone tried the QuantaCann testing?

QuantaCann is in Cali while this thread is in a Michigan sub forum, so no I have not.

Their website is nearly identical to Iron Labs, but they don't have their sample results available to the public like Iron does.

I like to peruse sample results to see what people are working with, great time waster...
The trichs look clear in the 240x photo. are those actual photos our just some stock photo iron uses?
not seeing even one amber trich as well.

I think they really take pictures because when i was there the other day the Tech had a nice looking microscope and camera.

This is what the report says about the trichs.....

"The gland heads range from small to large in size and are abundant. Moderately more of them are clear than milky with a few turning amber in color."

I talked to the Tech and he told me that the highest test numbers come from weed that has about 1 in 40 amber trichs. After that the THC starts to degrade and the numbers go down.
well ya i mean thats usually how it goes. but in my growing ventures and different tests done, picking on the early side always leads to higher thc count but not always the best high. sometimes its almost as if its too much. for example, like a vodka redbull with too much redbull, too much up not enough down. and on the other side u let it go to long and its like a vodka redbull with too much vodka, ya it fucks u up but it also makes u tired. i believe in a happy medium so i guess my question for u gruber is do u think the freedom 35 is better with clear trichs or milky??
well ya i mean thats usually how it goes. but in my growing ventures and different tests done, picking on the early side always leads to higher thc count but not always the best high. sometimes its almost as if its too much. for example, like a vodka redbull with too much redbull, too much up not enough down. and on the other side u let it go to long and its like a vodka redbull with too much vodka, ya it fucks u up but it also makes u tired. i believe in a happy medium so i guess my question for u gruber is do u think the freedom 35 is better with clear trichs or milky??

good question.
let me sample this one a bit more before i give my final answer but in the past, i have preferred the early version of the f35 better then the late. im not sure how that works out with the numbers but i guess i like the lower version????
When i first grew it i thought the 35 day version had a more happy, up, feeling about it. The 45 day had it too but also more of the cloudy. sleepy, feeling. So far. this one just rips your head off and lasts a long time.
Going to sample some more today after i take care of some responsibilities.
hahahaha i see you sir! ya i would def appreciate that cause im really torn. im not a fan of sleepy cloudy highs i like to enjoy it and be awake for most of it lol another thing im wondering is since one of mine auto'ed where do i start the count? from the time i saw the pistols or from the time i put it in the flower room? im very unfamiliar with autos but i would like to know more.