Irritating Hydro shop visit.


Well-Known Member
So I need a 6" adaptor for an active air 465 blower, right? So i call up the location of the local hydro shop, the central location because i know that the south location which is closest for sure dosent have it, but I call up the guy and ask him and he just kinda is lofty with "I'm 99% sure I have it" and whatnot and tells me to come on down. When I make the trek there with my business partner, there are about three other patrons at the store, he's helping the guy at the counter, some oaf in a UFC hat who was dropping like two and a half bills or something on a starter rooter kit of some sort. But anywhoo, after waiting for them to stop talking, I ask the clerk if he has the adaptor. He instantly remembers me from talking on the phone before and gives me the look i give dozens of people at work every day, the "i totally forgot your shit" look, is all sorts of frendly and tells me he's going to look for it. They guy starts talking about all the boxes in the store and says sure thing he's gunna look for it for us, and as he's coming out of his little counter, the guy he had been helping before starts talking to him about some nonesense. The clerk just goes off talking to the guy about how he got into the hydro business and blah blah med school blah blah. The whole while I'm just kinda standing there awkwardly waiting at the counter. I just kinda step back and start looking at the nutrients on the shelf (the sweet citrus flavor interests me) and I wait for them to stop conversing. Me and my partner are just like "ok?". But they converse for a minutes and the guy goes to the back. The other set of patrons in the store walk up to the counter.
After about tenty six and a half seconds the guy i guess gives up his half assed search and tells us that "its somewhere inside of these boxes and it would be better if we came back later, or even tomorrow." We just kinda looked at him and were like, "ok, man. Peace."

fucking prat. I wouldnt of made the trek all the way down there if he hadn't of told me he had it, I know he had it, I watched him check the inventory and he said he had 6 in stock. The fucker was just too half-assed to go and find it.



Well-Known Member
i have been on the phone the last 2 days with dick hydro shop owners. one acted like he didnt have the time to talk to me for 1 minute about me ordering an hps from him, guess he didnt need any business. the other was a complete idiot who didnt know his ass from a hole in the ground.


Well-Known Member
I love my local hydro shop... They used to be part of a bigger chain in my area (3-4 stores) and just recently broke off and changed the name (like the day before my 1st visit)... I was skeptical but these kids are real kool and helpful... =]

I visited the central shop for the place they had broke off from for a couple of reasons... One cuz i was in the area (far from me on a regular basis) and two because they listed a different type of light on the web site then the one thy carry in my local shop... Turns out, after waiting for them to help other people situation, that they carry the exact same light and have not carried the other for awhile and never updated the web site... A waste of a trip and irritating, along with the fact that the atmosphere in there was TOTALLY different and similar to what you experienced where i felt alienated and uncomfortable because i was not part of their "regular" customer base... I felt weird when i was leaving there like i was getting the evil eye... =[

Some people are just like that i guess... =[

If you find a good shop stick with them... =]

My last trip to my local store i told them how much i enjoy coming in and he said "well we appreciate your business" i said "i bet you do" we both laughed at that... =]

Its that kind of experience that makes a good store... =]


Well-Known Member
I love my local hydro shop. They always take time to answer questions and explain things and they know their shit.

Orange County Hydroponics!


Well-Known Member
Ya forgot to mention check out the closer shop... Even if they do not have what you need they SHOULD be willing to order it for you... =]

My shop said that if i can find it on he can have it in a week...

@shamegame nice avatar/logo did you make that... =]


Well-Known Member
yea im suprised my hydro shop is always willing to help they eliminate customers 1 by 1 making sure they sell you the most and you are happy to come back im suprised you got treated like crap shame.


Well-Known Member
Ya forgot to mention check out the closer shop... Even if they do not have what you need they SHOULD be willing to order it for you... =]

My shop said that if i can find it on he can have it in a week...

@shamegame nice avatar/logo did you make that... =]
honestly man. a good business man has the integrity to make an order.

I went in for the first time to get my setup, and the guy had NO problem driving 2 hours to get all the necessary equipment.It was pretty cool. He's a great guy, and its a great shop:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ya forgot to mention check out the closer shop... Even if they do not have what you need they SHOULD be willing to order it for you... =]

My shop said that if i can find it on he can have it in a week...

@shamegame nice avatar/logo did you make that... =]

Jah Mon - I made it meself + rep for j00.


Well-Known Member
I brought my Hanna Ph pen to my hydro store because numbers just weren't adding up....after trying to calibrate it at the store, He determined that my pen was faulty and replaced my pen with a new one out of the display case....Any one else would have said "well I can send it in to be checked, but it's gonna take a while"....I'll never go anywhere else!!!!!


New Member
i have been on the phone the last 2 days with dick hydro shop owners. one acted like he didnt have the time to talk to me for 1 minute about me ordering an hps from him, guess he didnt need any business. the other was a complete idiot who didnt know his ass from a hole in the ground.
its because they know your hair is orange and you have a big red nose



Well-Known Member
yea im suprised my hydro shop is always willing to help they eliminate customers 1 by 1 making sure they sell you the most and you are happy to come back im suprised you got treated like crap shame.
your telling me, man.
I wouldnt of have even gone there if he hadnt told me that he was 00 percent sure he had it.

it was just rediculious.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yeah some places are very non shalont.If you know it something that wont be on the shelf just call and ask him to pull it real quick as your coming kinda far so you wanna make sure before you make the long drive and then by chance if he doesnt have it when you get there just kick his ass for being an idiot. I love my local shops.I go in and they are a bew and hydro shop so they give you free home brew beer or pop while you shop and they have thier 2 rotts running loose in there so I play with them and do hide and seek and always have treats from my dogs in my pockets. Typical stop in lasts me 2 hours of playing drinking and browsing. They dont know too much about growing so I usually have to infor them or tell them what I want them to stock bu they make good beer and pop and rae fun peeps lol


Well-Known Member
good stuff fletch. i dont think i ever will be a local at any hydro shops considering probably the closest one is like an hour or two from me. there are always advantages and disadvantages to living in the boonies.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yup you away from people but then again your away from people so its alw3ays a trip to go get stuff lol.Its like Mcdonalds play land for me at any hydro store or homedepot for me lol