is 50 liters dwc too much for 2 plants in the same bin?


Active Member
So I got a big rubbermaid bin with 2 holes in opposite corners. From the bottom of the bin until the water touches the bottom of my 6 inch net pots is 50 liters (13.5 gallons)

Is this too much for only two plants?

I use the house and garden line (bud xl, roots, top booster, shooting powder, aqua flakes) with AN bud blood and bud candy thrown in.

I figure I can keep the same res for the entire veg period,

then do 2-3 weeks once I switch then change (because of the bud blood) and then maybe switch out the water 2-3 times until the end?

I once read you should change the solution once you've added half as much water back in, I think Imma follow this advice and report back.

What do you guys think? advice? thanks

edit- I don't want to hear about how I shouldn't be putting two plants in the same bin. I am aware of the risks with root entanglement and what not, if I have a bad experience I'll switch to seperate tanks, but for now it's way more convenient for me this way. also, the plants are at least a foot and a half away from each other


Well-Known Member
your plan seems fine. bigger res is okay, you will need bigger airpump for it. you can do less changes in bigger res.... good luck