Is it fine to continuously run Physan 20 in a DWC


Active Member
Running a DWC. Using it as a cloner too. Got algae starting to buildup but caught it early while it was still clear. Got rid of the infected cuttings (4x). Bought Dutch master zone & Physan 20. How much Physan 20 should I use to keep the water treated properly.


Well-Known Member
People shy away from running physan continuously for fear of systematically contaminating the buds. Both the bottle and sales reps for physan say it can be run continuously for any crop that isn't meant for human consumption. That suggests that it enters the plants system.

Zone can be ran continuously with no problems what so ever, and will easily take care of plain old algae.


Well-Known Member
To answer your other question, 1ml physan per 10 gal is considered enough to sterilize the root zone, and I have used double that without hurting the plants. I soak for no more than 12 hours. Plants that are already sick and stressed may suffer from a double dose.


Active Member
so not good at 1 drop for 5 gallons over the entire grow? i do not want to add bb's to my buckets and i currently use h202.

also, after the 12 hours, i have to dump the rez and add fresh everything? thanks.


Well-Known Member
No you don't have to refill every 12 hours. I was doing that for other reasons. Physans takes a bout 5-7 days to break down into nitrogen, so once a week is probably fine.