Is It True That Once You Get Married..

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
is it true that once you get married.. your girlfriend(s) who "always needed sex" all of a sudden becomes allergic to KAK?

i keep hearing about these guys who cant get their wives to roll over... it seems to me that life is just the opposite. that woman are insatiable...and if you get alone with a woman she expects to get LOVEN... but then again.. I am not married..

please inform me...


Well-Known Member
Well I read your post, LOL, and than read it to my wife,ccoz we have some of them issues too sometimes. Know what she said?
Quote : " well of course single wimen are more active, they are trying to lure a mate and get stable..." Than she saw the look on my face and said "and of corse ones you have the kids and all, by the end of the day you so run down..." I never saw that side of her befoure, and we've been together for almost 10 years. But overall its not so bad, for the record I still get it 4,5 times a week, and if the kids are at grandps well, we use the time wisely LOL.


Well-Known Member
I'm not married but have been with my girl for 4 years or so and lived together for more then 3 years, and she can't get enough of my little guy.


Well-Known Member
Been hapiley married for two years now and the sex is better than ever. Guess ya just have to find a woman who enjoys sex as much as you do. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Guess ya just have to find a woman who enjoys sex as much as you do. :joint:
everybody enjoys good sex. what u gotta do is find a woman who has got a similar apatite and taste. everybodys different, ppl like to forget that when talking about sex. the belief that women generally dont enjoy sex as much as guys is a myth. guys just need to blow a load on a regular basis to feel comfortable. so in comparison, women tend to view sex as a seamless part of a relationship, while an orgasm to a dude can be comparable to taking a piss.

get ur girl to ejaculate and theyll get hooked

Flavio Rojas

Active Member
There is NOT a sudden change due to marriage itself. I will remind you up front that marriage is very, very legal and binding and not so easy to get out of as you might think. Marriage suits some people, but not others (so much).

But your question is about sex. I'm an older guy, married for a long time, and I'm not sure what KAK is. But generally, the first few years of marriage are not unlike the "courtship", or "dating" period. After a few years, things do seem to settle into more of a routine, and it's not quite as exciting anymore (too much of a good thing?). Daniel Stern (the actor) does a wonderful speech concerning this topic in the movie "DINER".

But the REAL change (and this is serious) comes after having children. Although children bring you joy on a totally different level, they DO change your life drastically and forever. Logistically, sex becomes a lot tougher, AND your have to work your brains out to support them! (Anybody disagree with me so far?)

Sex does not disappear, it just gets fewer and far between. I'm OLD, and I still like it. I especially like it under the influence of THC. Anyway, isn't it marijuana that we are supposed to be discussing here?



Well-Known Member
Flavio Rojas, I love your avitar!
Sex is not the basis for a marriage. I love sex, and I love my wife too. Everyone has to make there own decisions in life.
I am always horny, and my wife is always sick.
Those are just the facts of life, while I could go out and get laid, I would never do that at this point in my life. I treasure my relationship with my wife, and would not jeopardize it in this way. I just couldn't imagine my life without her, and if she needs me to be patient with her, that's the least I can do for her. I see her pain daily, I watch her taking all her pain killers.
After all these years together, shes still beautiful to me. I love her body as much as I love her. When she is able to make love, we do, and I always take advantage of that opportunity, but it is never as often as I would like.

What can I do to change this? Well she has a high paying, high stress job also, and the weather where we live is not good for her, so we are looking into moving to kansas. We want to buy an inexpensive house, pay cash, than I can work at the local 7-11 slinging slushies or whatever no brainer job, and live quite happily for the rest of our lives. The resuced stress will be good for her, the weather change will also help her bones not hurt so much. Paying cash for the house, and having some money saved will reduce the stress in our lives alot.
Than maybe I'll get laid more. lol Either way though....I love my wife!

There is NOT a sudden change due to marriage itself. I will remind you up front that marriage is very, very legal and binding and not so easy to get out of as you might think. Marriage suits some people, but not others (so much).

But your question is about sex. I'm an older guy, married for a long time, and I'm not sure what KAK is. But generally, the first few years of marriage are not unlike the "courtship", or "dating" period. After a few years, things do seem to settle into more of a routine, and it's not quite as exciting anymore (too much of a good thing?). Daniel Stern (the actor) does a wonderful speech concerning this topic in the movie "DINER".

But the REAL change (and this is serious) comes after having children. Although children bring you joy on a totally different level, they DO change your life drastically and forever. Logistically, sex becomes a lot tougher, AND your have to work your brains out to support them! (Anybody disagree with me so far?)

Sex does not disappear, it just gets fewer and far between. I'm OLD, and I still like it. I especially like it under the influence of THC. Anyway, isn't it marijuana that we are supposed to be discussing here?



Well-Known Member
My wife and I have been together 7 years and married 3. This is both our 2nd marriage. Right now we average 2 or 3 times a week. Certainly not enough for me but when we do make love, it's ALWAYS good. I can honestly say that I can probably count on 1 hand the times it hasn't been amazing. My biggest complaint is that prior to getting married, when it was that time of month, she still had the appetite and was content to just take care of me, which made her even hornier when she was done with her period. Those days are long gone. In 3 years of marriage, I think once has that happened. So now I have to stop "being so selfish" and just wait until she's all done.

solid shadow

Well-Known Member
Lessee... the wife and I have been married ten years this year, first and only marriage for the both of us. In that time we've had four awsome children, our most recent was born last year. In that entire time the only instances when we've gone without sex for a prolonged period of time were the two months I was working out of town trying to scrape up enough money to relocate the whole family. As far as sex goes... life is so stressful, but we do what we must to make time for lovin'. 9-12 times a week is pretty average, maybe a little less if someone is sick or if the monthly visitor comes barging through the door. More if we've got a good supply of weed for that particular week. Normal night, once at least, maybe twice. High night? 3-5 times. Seriously. Cannabis affects both our sex drives quite positively. I wouldn't say sex while high is better, but it's definately ad adventure all its own. :hump:


New Member
I'm not married but have been with my girl for 4 years or so and lived together for more then 3 years, and she can't get enough of my little guy.
fair play to you for pointing out your little problem to all of us on rollitup. Hey, it's what you do with it, right?


New Member
Living together for 8 years. 3 kids in the past 4 of those years. Sex is as frequent as I need it. Which is often, I get very moody if I don't get my roll.


Well-Known Member
Just the other night my wife said that she thought we should have more sex... So I would say that is not true GK.


New Member
My wife wanted me to talk dirty to her during sex. The other night, she called me from a motel.


PS: That's an old Rodney Dangerfield joke.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting some tonight for sure. She just completed that time of the month again. And when she is done, WATCH OUT! Great weed and great sex, what more can a guy ask for?