Is Marcus Bachmann Gay?

Is Marcus Bachmann gay?

  • As gay as can be!

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Closeted gay

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Not gay

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Labradoodle

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Yep. He's gay. He is known as a recovered gay and runs a clinic that offers Reparative Therapy. Something I tried at BYU and ended up in a psych ward due to a suicide attempt. It's supposed to be a psychiatric method to overcome "gayness". It doesn't work by the way. Nearly all psychiatric associations denounce Reparative Therapy as dangerous, damaging, and unproductive. All Reparative Therapy programs are Christian based and use Christian rhetoric in the treatment program.
I have heard of this, some people say their is no cure for Gay others say their is. I was told their was a gay named Matthew Shepard who was gay but isn't any more because some people found a way to cure him of his gayness. If being Gay is not wrong then why do people seek out a cure or look to cure others. If being Gay is a choice then why do you need a cure? why not just resist your urges to do gay stuff and cure yourself? You might want to blow someone but you can choose not to.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I have heard of this, some people say their is no cure for Gay others say their is. I was told their was a gay named Matthew Shepard who was gay but isn't any more because some people found a way to cure him of his gayness. If being Gay is not wrong then why do people seek out a cure or look to cure others. If being Gay is a choice then why do you need a cure? why not just resist your urges to do gay stuff and cure yourself? You might want to blow someone but you can choose not to.
Matthew Shepard was the kid that was murdered in Wyoming.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if his little woman gets into power he can run his clinics from coast to coast on the federal dime wont that be great!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
On his website Dr. Bachmann states he’s had 23 years experience. Simple math brings us to the year 1988. If Dr. Bachmann’s Ph.D. was completed prior to this date, he might have graduated from The Union Graduate School which offered ONLY a Ph.D. in Arts and Sciences. If he graduated later than 1986, then he would have graduated from The Union Institute (1986), or The Union Institute and University (2001) and his Ph.D. would have been in Interdisciplinary Studies.

If in fact Dr. Marcus Bachmann graduated from this institute, whatever it was named at the time, he would not have graduated with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. The ONLY doctorate in Clinical Psychology was offered after 2001, and the degree is a Psy.D. (Doctor of Psychology) and not a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy).
There is a lot of digging into Mr. Bachmann's past and it is starting to come to light the he may never have obtained his doctorate and isn't even a licensed psychologist.

More to come.


Well-Known Member
Its going to be like that one movie that they feed the plants gatoraide and wonder why they get shit yield with the pro wrestler as president.
Idiocracy and its Brawndo. "It's got electrolytes", "it's got what plants crave", and yes our country is definitely headed in this direction. Mike Judge is (unfortunately) a visionary.


Well-Known Member
yea dude he totally is , I covered this on my blog, different video but its much more obvious in this video:
omg. Yeah, you're not gay if you dream about sucking another guys dick all the time, you're only gay if you actually do it............whatever helps him sleep at night. Can't be all that comfortable in that closet in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Did I miss an announcement?

Is this man running for President?

Is he a candidate for any public office?

If not, who cares if he is a recovering snake charmer?

Or is it that family members are fair game ONLY if the candidates have an 'R' behind their names? :twisted:



Well-Known Member
Consider this:

Have the Messiah-spawn been subjected to the same level of scrutiny and ridicule as the children of Republican candidates?

Did David Letterman make a crude joke about Obama's youngest daughter fucking A-Rod?

Bristol Palin was on some TV show and placed second, or some-such. Disgruntled Proggies nationwide lit up the FCC switchboards with complaints.

Even little Calculus, or Trig, whatever the fuck his name is; is not immune from the nastiness. And he is a toddler with Down's Syndrome. Shame!


Well-Known Member
Even little Calculus, or Trig, whatever the fuck his name is; is not immune from the nastiness. And he is a toddler with Down's Syndrome. Shame!
Yeah, I can't believe his mother carries him around like a prop whenever she needs attention. She's disgusting.

Don't want to really stop your foaming session but I don't think anyone in here cares who Bachmann's husband sleeps with. It's his personal choice and nobody else's business. But the closeted gay guy is unable to say the same. Not sure how or why anyone could or would defend such blatant hypocrisy. Anyone who attempts to is clearly too one sided to offer any objective substance to the conversation.

Just sayin'


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can't believe his mother carries him around like a prop whenever she needs attention. She's disgusting.

Don't want to really stop your foaming session but I don't think anyone in here cares who Bachmann's husband sleeps with. It's his personal choice and nobody else's business. But the closeted gay guy is unable to say the same. Not sure how or why anyone could or would defend such blatant hypocrisy. Anyone who attempts to is clearly too one sided to offer any objective substance to the conversation.

Just sayin'
What hypocrisy?

The guy offers VOLUNTARY counseling to homosexuals. If he is a recovering gay, then he obviously knows what he is talking about.

That is NOT hypocrisy.

But going after family members just because one opposes their parent, or spouse; all the while declaring the family of one's own candidate off-limits....

THAT is hypocrisy! :-P


Well-Known Member
Did I miss an announcement?

Is this man running for President?

Is he a candidate for any public office?

If not, who cares if he is a recovering snake charmer?

Or is it that family members are fair game ONLY if the candidates have an 'R' behind their names? :twisted:

Johnny we talking about the spouse not the children..Marcus is her husband...did not Michelle get talked about as well....??????


Well-Known Member
Johnny we talking about the spouse not the children..Marcus is her husband...did not Michelle get talked about as well....??????
terrorist fist jab. - mocking michelle obama's healthy eating campaign - mocking michelle obama for her clothes

and this wouldn't be complete unless, of course, they also mocked the president's kids.


i'm sorry, who said what now?


Well-Known Member
What hypocrisy?

The guy offers VOLUNTARY counseling to homosexuals. If he is a recovering gay, then he obviously knows what he is talking about.

That is NOT hypocrisy.

But going after family members just because one opposes their parent, or spouse; all the while declaring the family of one's own candidate off-limits....

THAT is hypocrisy! :-P
"recovering" gay?

how does one "recover" from being born a certain way?

i was born with an overwhelming urge to consume and enjoy waffles.

with years of prayer and damaging psychological "therapy" administered by some gay santa claus want-to-be who lacks a real degree, i have stifled my craving for waffles.

although i eat a shit load of pancakes now.