Is this auto ready? ALL pictures are from came plant but different parts

If you're in soil yes and in hydro we use it to leach our medium's retained salts.

Let me add that at the end the plant's uptake slows so your watering and feeding slows as well. So they naturally reduce their intake. Although I will say I've had some that pigged out until the end. The way you deal with the chlorophyll for a good smoke is in the drying. You run a 60% humidity/60 degree 14 day dry and the metabolic processes naturally break down the chlorophyll.


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I would chop. I'm not an outdoor guy at all but considering your climate and the approaching season, things aren't going to get better than now in terms of heat and humidity. While your buds might swell a bit more, they look very dense and I would worry about budrot trying to push on. Well done and you can only improve with practice.

Lastly, I feed up to harvest. As @curious2garden said you can't remove anything the plant has taken up and you may just be starving it when it still needs food.
I've never grown autos aside from a pheno I had by chance back in the early 80's . And even then it was an anomaly to us , it grew well guerrilla style without much attention .

I try not to offer advice on subjects I know little about or things I just know by "feel or instinct gained through experience" . (Hint hint...) .

Looking at the full plant I'm seeing oddities that to me look like either too much nitrogen or poor genetics . Probably a combination of the two with most on the genetics side . It looks like it's struggling to revegitate while still in full flower mode .

If I had to guess I'm thinking that if you rubbed those buds between your fingers they don't feel very sticky , more of a sandy feel with a little bit of "greasy" . I've had photos that felt and looked like that and they had been taken care of properly . Not sure what caused it .

As it stands now and it's only an opinion based on nothing other than a photo , I'd feed very lightly if at all and let it go on and do it's thing for now . It's not dying off on its own so I'd want to see how it progresses . I would also not try and flush it .

(Edited for spelling)
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I would chop. I'm not an outdoor guy at all but considering your climate and the approaching season, things aren't going to get better than now in terms of heat and humidity. While your buds might swell a bit more, they look very dense and I would worry about budrot trying to push on. Well done and you can only improve with practice.

Lastly, I feed up to harvest. As @curious2garden said you can't remove anything the plant has taken up and you may just be starving it when it still needs food.
You guys rock!! Thanks for the advice. I let them get sun until 1pm. I put them in the shade until evening hours. I bring this one in at night. Put it next to a Medify Air Ionizer.
I've never grown autos aside from a pheno I had by chance back in the early 80's . And even then it was an anomaly to us , it grew well guerrilla style without much attention .

I try not to offer advice on subjects I know little about or things I just know by "feel or instinct gained through experience" . (Hint hint...) .

Looking at the full plant I'm seeing oddities that to me look like either too much nitrogen or poor genetics . Probably a combination of the to with most on the genetics side . It looks like it's struggling to revegitate while still in full flower mode .

If I had to guess I'm thinking that if you rubbed those buds between your fingers they don't feel very sticky , more of a sandy feel with a little bit of "greasy" . I've had photos that felt and looked like that and they had been taken care of properly . Not sure what caused it .

As it stands now and it's only an opinion based on nothing other than a photo , I'd feed very lightly if at all and let it go on and do it's thing for now . It's not dying off on its own so I'd want to see how it progresses . I would also not try and flush it .
Actually they are super sticky and smell strong.
It started to flower then revegged as the daylight lengthened, looks like. As a photo, it won't finish until you get back to 12 or 13 hours of daylight
Man. I wondered about that. I planted this one?March10th as well. It started showing white hair after 30 days but kept growing too the sky. It hasn't stopped. I just noticed yesterday the pistils are back and popping out everywhere.
Man. I wondered about that. I planted this one?March10th as well. It started showing white hair after 30 days but kept growing too the sky. It hasn't stopped. I just noticed yesterday the pistils are back and popping out everywhere.
I just started growing last November. My 1st photo came out good but I screwed up the cure process. Shit smells like grass. I'm not smoking it. Lol
So heat and direct sunlight do not fry the trichomes? I've read that they do. I've also read its the direct sunlight that forms them.
Something that I'm sure of its I've never heard any commercial facility grower flower at more than 80-81f, they have done all the testing possible so I personally trust them if I'd want to be on the safe side
As long as the soil didn't get bone dry I never had a problem with outdoor plants in direct all day long sunlight . Summer temps run 75-100 where I am , usually with some humidity . The way I always understood it was 80 is optimal and growth is impeded during periods of high 80's and above . They can take it if the roots don't dry out or bake though . We had week long temps of 100 a few times and didn't lose any plants . But we weren't growing in containers either .