Is This For Real Or Some Bullshit?

chongo bongo

Active Member
Okay, so I got to talkin with someone today about marijuana. and they said that adding a mixture of bleach, Comet and other chemicals to your water would make your plants more potwnt. I think its bs. But i don't know everything. They also said that Mary Jane started out as hay. And got mixed up and mutated into weed. Is there any truth to either of these statements?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I got to talkin with someone today about marijuana. and they said that adding a mixture of bleach, Comet and other chemicals to your water would make your plants more potwnt. I think its bs. But i don't know everything. They also said that Mary Jane started out as hay. And got mixed up and mutated into weed. Is there any truth to either of these statements?
Thankfully you have the knowledge of the world at your fingertips to help set you straight.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
They also said that Mary Jane started out as hay. And got mixed up and mutated into weed. Is there any truth to either of these statements?
As far as I know in biology all plants started off as algae and mutated into ferns. Then from ferns they mutated into the variety of plants around us. Chances are Cannabis mutated from a normal weed which wasn`t psychoactive in any way and had airborne polen that crossbreed with a different specie, a lot of plants have done that to create new varieties. But "hay"? what the fuck do they know its not like they are evolutionary biologists tracking Cannabis to its origins lol

Don`t listen to these people they are full of shit :D


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha!!!! Adding bleach and comet to make it more potent?? That'll immediately kill the plant

Gary Busey

New Member
First I read a thread with some guy using soy sauce in his nutrient mixture, then I come here and see bleach and comet?

Yes, it works. Try it out and let us know how that works out for you. Just don't forget to use some Windex too for that nice clean shine on your plants.
By any chance did the guy you were talking to look anything like this:

`Cause it certainly seems like it from where I'm standing. Sounds like you're getting trolled hard.


Well-Known Member
2 spliffs later he would tell you to chrush up a few paracetamol, snort 1 up the nose and sprinkle the rest in the spliff to get high as the sky :D


Moderatrix of Journals
actually, believe it or not, bleach can be used (in very very small concentrations) to improve plant health, it's quite common in the floral industry.
(don't believe me? you can add a drop of bleach to a vase of cut flowers to improve their longevity, it slows down the slime that likes to grow on the incision.)

...... although combined with the other "info" you were given, i'd be willing to bet a couple nuggets that your "friend" didn't know that either.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I got to talkin with someone today about marijuana. and they said that adding a mixture of bleach, Comet and other chemicals to your water would make your plants more potwnt. I think its bs. But i don't know everything. They also said that Mary Jane started out as hay. And got mixed up and mutated into weed. Is there any truth to either of these statements?

Wow please castrate the person that told you this. I don't want there to be ANY CHANCE of him ever reproducing and his kids meeting my kids. and them spreading such bulllll shitttttttt.


Active Member
hahaha....reminds me of what my parents used to say to keep me occupied and out of their hair when I was a little kid..."Here, take this salt shaker and sprinkle some salt on any sparrow's tail...then you can catch them".
Passed that little gem on to my son, lol.

I heard if you used recycled lemon water for a haze plant, you'll get buds of Super Lemon Haze.


Active Member
yea the bleach would kill the plant., try drinking the bleach before you smoke, i hear it will get you much higher than normal. lol


Couple minor points. You folks are talking 2 kinds of bleach. 1 is peroxide based ( agruculture stuff) other is chlorine based ( think the chlorine you allow to evaporate from tap water). Peace Jack chlorine based & many cleaners together release a nasty gas


Well-Known Member
if you add bleach and comet and crap to your weed your going to kill it....and for it to start off as hay is bs too. mj is part of the sage family