is this heat damage???


Active Member
ok so i started this plant 4 days ago, on day 3 i started to notice that the leaves were curling a little so i watered it but still they have become worse so now im thinking that its the heat but its cold in the room and the light does not produce to much heat, its a 26 watt bulb. its not to bad but i want to find the problem before it dies, this is my last feminized seed and i want it to count. can you take a look at the pics and tell me what you think? thanks..... also i wanted to know how much longer can i keep it under this light before putting it under me hps, and when should i transfer to new pot? thanks to anyone who helps me out. :)


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Did you cut drainholes in the bottom of your cup, and does your soil have good drainage. It's big enough now to transplant and put it under an hps for budding. Or you can veg it some; depends on your style of grow. Your plant is about the size I put seedlings under a 1000w/hps 12/12hr and I would still get a good opportunity to clone it before it started to flower. I've done this many times.


Active Member
i did cut holes in the bottom of my cup and the soil is not to bad, i mean it could be a little more fluffy but it does drain the water at a decent rate.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I stick with cool white flouresent four foot tubes for veggin'. I find these tubes have the correct spectrum of light for veggin' potplants. I can still get the old office style from my home hardware because they kept a few boxes of them for me. The newer tubes will fit the fixture but instead of drawing 40w from the ballast, they draw 36w and they are smaller around than the conventional tubes. The guy at home hardware claims the new style produces the same spectrum as the old style does. I recommend at least two of these tubes to start out seedlings properly. I supplement my veg lighting with mercury vapour lightbulbs. You can get Mercury vapor lightbulbs from 150w to 1000w. They're just like a metal halide except they are frosted. I find the mv is really good for veggin'. I use 400w/mv in my mother room when I need rapid growth. The mh's are too blue, the cfl's are too yellow and the sodiums are too much on the red side for veggin'. This curling of the leaves has something to do with soil and I'd have to guess it's too much of something in your soil. When I do a plant in dirt I usually mix potting soil and good earth 50/50. I put a layer of rocks in the bottom of my plantpot to ensure proper drainage. Most potting soils are already fertilized for seedlings already. Most leaf problems(not all) stem from the plant having root problems. I would transplant them into larger pots and either put them in 12/12hr/hps or I'd get some proven lighting to veg with.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...yeap, heat/light stress. I would set up the HPS now....use the heat of the HPS to your advantage, let the plant get used to the brighter light before you place the bulb too close.


Well-Known Member
^ agreed .
use the hps , then you wont have to worry about heat .
what wattage lamp do you have ?


Active Member
i have transplanted my plant into a bigger pot, when i pulled it out the soil had some kind of white mold it looked like but the roots were large and white so i think it will be ok. i have put the plant under my 150 watt hps, i will keep it on 24 hr for atleast 2 more days because of the stress. i will post some pics of my plant and the grow box i am using tomarrow, tell me what you guys think... thanks for the replies p.s. the plant still seems to be curling but im hoping for the best. the pictures i posted show my plant which is looking alittle sick and mt grow box. what i wanted to say is to explain how my grow box works, first its an old sub woofer box that holds 3 12" speakers so i covered the middle hole and put a fan in the top hole which pulls air out of the box while fresh air is getting sucked into the hole at the bottom, also i put some chicken wire in there to keep the plant low. its the first time i have used that trick if someone can explain to me how it works that would be nice... let me know what you guys think of my set up thanks.

