Well-Known Member
No, not everything, just the dropping of bombs on sovereign nations.Lol, he personally pulls the trigger on every single thing this nation does. The only reason you are here is because Obama made you.
No, not everything, just the dropping of bombs on sovereign nations.Lol, he personally pulls the trigger on every single thing this nation does. The only reason you are here is because Obama made you.
He personally gives the order on every single drone strike this nation does. Obama made me? That is a kinda weird statement. Maybe you should quit while you're behind.Lol, he personally pulls the trigger on every single thing this nation does. The only reason you are here is because Obama made you.
He personally gives the order on every single drone strike this nation does. Obama made me? That is a kinda weird statement. Maybe you should quit while you're behind.
you can join the service and help... or you can continue to be an internet warrior
so if muslims came to america, destroyed our hospitals, ruined our food supply, dirtied our clean water, and a few hundred thousand americans died from it, you would say that muslims di dnot kill a few hundred thousand americans?
nice try, loser.
I already quoted you Buck, posting a post that cleared Bush from killing anyone right after you claimed he did, You think many missed it? I can find your stupid mistake and post it in here if you want to see it again....
It was a great try, and you`re right,....there is a loser at the end...........
It's like a zit, 1stBall. If you leave it alone it will just go away.![]()
I already quoted you Buck, posting a post that cleared Bush from killing anyone right after you claimed he did, You think many missed it? I can find your stupid mistake and post it in here if you want to see it again....
It was a great try, and you`re right,....there is a loser at the end...........
Is it a mental or physical ?No, at any point in my life, I wouldn`t make it passed the first doctor......they have rules not even you can change.
Ok on this we can agree, unless we are killing some pervert who likes to fuck with children. I'm all for that killingKilling people solves nothing. Leaving them alone is a better solution.
So when you started the thread " Islam can dish it out, but can't take it" you were not speaking about all Muslims ?No one is hating all Muslims. You all, that say it, are just making it up for some un-explained agenda, of your own self hate or something.
Is there an extremist threat or not? EVERYONE says there is.
So, your "hate all muslims" is some kind of personal problem. No one and I repeat, no one repeats, "you hate all muslims" but you and you low caliber types.
Killing people solves lots of stuff.
Ok on this we can agree, unless we are killing some pervert who likes to fuck with children. I'm all for that killing
in order to sponsor someone one base they have to be at least 18.. so what is your point ?How old were those girls you banged in Manila ? Yeah...I thought so.
in order to sponsor someone one base they have to be at least 18.. so what is your point ?
In order to get on the base you have to be 18. Most are there in the hopes of finding some GI to marry and take them to the USA. I guess seeing how you never served you would never know.My point is many of those girls were not 18 and you know bad man you.
Also, it's odd that you brag about banging young prostitutes, then you get all self riteous when it is suggested that your adult daughters
have the capacity to make up their own mind if they had decided to engage in exotic dancing.
You know, free basing laundry detergent can cause hypocrisy? You did know that didn't you....daddy?
In order to get on the base you have to be 18. Most are there in the hopes of finding some GI to marry and take them to the USA. I guess seeing how you never served you would never know.