
Well-Known Member
A dilemma isn't it.

Allowing a tyrant to rule will yield the results we want, but the means are unpalatable to us.

Allowing them to elect the Muslim Brotherhood (or worse) is the means we like, democracy, but the results are unacceptable.

I think we should try Ann Coulter's approach.


A dilemma isn't it.

Allowing a tyrant to rule will yield the results we want, but the means are unpalatable to us.

Allowing them to elect the Muslim Brotherhood (or worse) is the means we like, democracy, but the results are unacceptable.

I think we should try Ann Coulter's approach.
If your going to Dance with the Devil, don't ask why your in Hell !

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You'll love this... nice tune !
i cant wait till school is back in session and the kids are all back in the classroom instead of spreading bullshit on the interwebs

that guy WAS in the US Army, he DID speak to "Promise Keepers" and he IS now a cop in st louis.

he appeared on CNN's cameras pushing their camera crew and the rabble they were enabling back from their near riot frenzy, then some dink dredged up that old video on youtube and now it's a conspiracy involving the US Army, CNN and a "false flag" race riot in st louis...

in the youtube era, anyone who has EVER been filmed can show up on the interwebs, and shocker, some of them might even become cops at some point.

if the cop in question's video had been of his cat playing the piano would that mean that Steinway and Sons were also involved, as the secret NWO connection?


Your missing the point ! he was planted there..... you think you go from a Important Head job like he had to a cop ? ! with out an agenda ?(they don't hire cops with high IQ's) I was told over 1 year ago that St. Louis was going to try to be a flash point...... Just you sit back & watch the Marshall Law is a coming.... It is scripted I'm afraid.... Were screwed & it is not a Repub / Democrat thing. They are BOTH on the Same Side ! & it is NOT Yours & mine !

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
a shitty blog that sources it's "reports" through it's own shitty blog, referencing it's own previously stated claims, supported by their own claims from even further back, and so on, and so on.

nice work Mr Cronkite. your reportage is super trustworthy, just like the quack medecine site full of "Secret Cures They Dont Want You To Know About" like, tearing up your face with a rolling pin covered in needles will make you look 30 years younger,

or Thuper Thientific Tholushuns of OLIVE OIL AND CARBON to cure cancer...


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Your missing the point ! he was planted there..... you think you go from a Important Head job like he had to a cop ? ! with out an agenda ?(they don't hire cops with high IQ's) I was told over 1 year ago that St. Louis was going to try to be a flash point...... Just you sit back & watch the Marshall Law is a coming.... It is scripted I'm afraid....
important head job like a seargent in the army to cop?

hmmm lemmee think...

yeah, youre right. it must be a put up job!

i bet he got his job at the St Louis PD directly from The Koch Brothers and the Trilateral Commission...

he's a Bildeberger plant, sent to trigger the race war which will usher in Helter Skelter allowing the rich to finally fulfill their vision of turning Occupy Protesters into Soylent Green...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Marshall Law is a coming....
i bet it's gonna be Penny Marshall Law.

yeah... right.

after Marshall Law will we have a period of Ron Howard Reconstruction?

or will it trigger a Winkler War?

followed by Happy Days?

cassandras like you are always predicting the end of the world. so far youve all been wrong.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I can't fix your stupid from this bye !
you havent been able to fix your own stupidity, and youre right there with yourself.

what makes you think you could convince me your alex jones hysteria is real?


Well-Known Member
The video claimed he was an AFRICOM Green Beret commander.

Pretty generalized. SF guys call themselves SF typically not Green Beret. Then he goes on to create a mysticism about having a secret clearance.

Anyone who makes their secret clearance look appealing or otherwise sheds light, nay, SHOUTS that they have one screams lying braggart. He also gets briefed every six months on 'the situation.' No. No, he doesn't.

Unlikely. He wouldn't have quit with the bonuses as high as they are for those critical MOSs and gone to work in STL as a police officer.

The entire thing is shaky as all get out.


Well-Known Member
I hope you will remember that Politics and Security of the Nation are two different things.

I said all along those weapons were there. This is what ISIS is about. The war-ready weapons were taken from the Bunkers and Colin Powers showed the pictures of the trucks. They were buried in the Bakka valley the birth place of ISIS.

The National Security has nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with Politics.

Politics is to make fools out of We the People on both sides.
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Well-Known Member
I said all along those weapons were there. This is what ISIS is about. The war-ready weapons were taken from the Bunkers and Colin Powers showed the pictures of the trucks. They were buried in the Bakka valley the birth place of ISIS.
Please provide a non existent link that states weapons were moved to Lebanon. Otherwise you're talking out your ass