Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


King Tut
Damn this thread blew up.

I swear to (insert your deity) we have some of the most partisan people on here for a weed forum. ...


Well-Known Member
Prolly not, but it`s sad to hear them being thrown off cell towers by Muslims, while other Muslims cheer. The religion of peace, a piece of gays here, a piece of gays there.


Well-Known Member
Prolly not, but it`s sad to hear them being thrown off cell towers by Muslims, while other Muslims cheer. The religion of peace, a piece of gays here, a piece of gays there.
scientific studies show that you are harboring latent homosexual desires.

i can show you thousands of hate crimes committed against gays right here in the united states done by people who share your hateful bigoted ideology by the way.


Well-Known Member
scientific studies show that you are harboring latent homosexual desires.

i can show you thousands of hate crimes committed against gays right here in the united states done by people who share your hateful bigoted ideology by the way.

Are you justifying Muslims throwing them off cell towers by saying they are not the only one`s ? That`s a question, not a statement.


Well-Known Member
Are you justifying Muslims throwing them off cell towers by saying they are not the only one`s ? That`s a question, not a statement.
i'm just wondering why a closeted homosexual like yourself turns the blind eye to thousands and thousands of lethal crimes against gays here in the states by white christians while condemning brown muslims for the exact same thing.


Well-Known Member

The CSE is Beaver NSA. You're all doomed, eh! It's the Canuckle-headed way.
Scan URLs for patterns and bring them in. I guess that's why they were shopping around the University looking for algorithm freaks.
CSE is a key player in the Five Eyes surveillance network along with the U.S., Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
Under Levitation, analysts with the electronic eavesdropping service can access information on about 10 to 15 million uploads and downloads of files from free websites each day, the original documents obtained by U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden say.

:lol: The name of the Metadata server is ATOMIC BANJO. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I don`t, you just think I do. Is it really just white Christians doing that here in the States ? No Blacks ? No Hispanics ?, No Native Americans ? Just White Christians ?


Well-Known Member
I don`t, you just think I do. Is it really just white Christians doing that here in the States ? No Blacks ? No Hispanics ?, No Native Americans ? Just White Christians ?
In the bigots world, Christians only come in white and Muslims only come in brown.

He's a special one, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
The CSE is Beaver NSA. You're all doomed, eh! It's the Canuckle-headed way.
Scan URLs for patterns and bring them in. I guess that's why they were shopping around the University looking for algorithm freaks.
CSE is a key player in the Five Eyes surveillance network along with the U.S., Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
Under Levitation, analysts with the electronic eavesdropping service can access information on about 10 to 15 million uploads and downloads of files from free websites each day, the original documents obtained by U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden say.

:lol: The name of the Metadata server is ATOMIC BANJO. :lol:

Project "AD"

Did you know that the ACA website is giving or selling enrollee`s info to advertisement people ? There is no evidence of sales but evidence it is happening.


Well-Known Member
I don`t, you just think I do. Is it really just white Christians doing that here in the States ? No Blacks ? No Hispanics ?, No Native Americans ? Just White Christians ?
america is mostly white and christian, you closet homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that).

you seem awfully defensive about white christians for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Project "AD"

Did you know that the ACA website is giving or selling enrollee`s info to advertisement people ? There is no evidence of sales but evidence it is happening.

Google Analytics cookies seem to be a key part of every healthy metadata breakfast.