It burns when I piss . . .


Well-Known Member
yes most likely its a urinary tract infection. if you had kidney stones your pecker would be sensitive to the touch and can take weeks to pass. i just passed a kidney stone about 2 weeks ago and no burning pee just a very sensative pecker cuz the stone was stuck in the head. also if a large kidney stone exits your kidneys you will feel it and it is described as the worst pain in the world. it could be the clap but it would probably burn everytime. but on the other hand you could have the clap and not notice it unless your high. go to dr and get treated regardless if its uti or std it can be cleared up mostly

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I've had this happen several times and although I always think it's a horrible std and my dick is gonna turn black and rot off it always turns out to be a yeast infection or the like. Wear a condom.


Active Member
"Pardon? I get the slight inkling that you're either referring to me"..theres no "inkling" dickwad... if you think I was referring to you then I was...paranoid fuck....stop wearing your emotions on your fucken sleeve....grow a pair... You remind of of little suzy in the 3rd grade, able to dish shit out to others but would then go cry to the teacher when someone said something about her....waaa waaa...dude smoke a bowl, sit the fuck back and relax...If thats too much for you then go sit on a dildo.....tea and crumpets ?...

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
"Pardon? I get the slight inkling that you're either referring to me"..theres no "inkling" dickwad... if you think I was referring to you then I was...paranoid fuck....stop wearing your emotions on your fucken sleeve....grow a pair... You remind of of little suzy in the 3rd grade, able to dish shit out to others but would then go cry to the teacher when someone said something about her....waaa waaa...dude smoke a bowl, sit the fuck back and relax...If thats too much for you then go sit on a dildo.....tea and crumpets ?...
Wow. Maybe it would be best if you were to never post again.


Well-Known Member
"Wow. Maybe it would be best if you were to never post again"

It seems others alongside myself always come to these conclusions when he and I are posting in the same threads.
I've also had him mention dildos and 'gays' far too many times to count while posting to me too...weird. - does this mean anything special or am I reading into things? : /


Active Member
"Wow. Maybe it would be best if you were to never post again"... lmao you gals are hilarioussssssssssssssssssss lmao....smoking a bowl reading your responses...Im sorry ladies my apologies didnt mean to get your thongs in a bind .


Well-Known Member
It burns when u pee? Well your from New England so that's only natural. It happens on the East Coast, think its a climate thing!
one time i jerked it in the shower with some suave hair shampoo and some got in my dick hole i was pissin fire for about 4 days watch out for soaps despite the tempatation lol haha


Well-Known Member
"Wow. Maybe it would be best if you were to never post again"... lmao you gals are hilarioussssssssssssssssssss lmao....smoking a bowl reading your responses...Im sorry ladies my apologies didnt mean to get your thongs in a bind .
<--Self fulfilling prophecy. I love it when my points are made for me.


Well-Known Member
Just go buy some citrus soda and put about a tablespoon full in a glass of water and down it, morning noon and night for a few days. Works a bomb for little urinary tract infections.... beer is also good.