It should be legal to kill Democrats

same as in NJ, they list it on your stub. if red had to not talk about shit he didn't know, he'd be resigned to posting at stormfront and threads with idiots still fighting the cold war. because, ya know, communism is still a threat and all....:lol:
They list the taxes you the employee pay. You're unable to understand that?
You still don't get it. I know why. You've never had a business. You're just a sheep a worker ant never stepped out on your own to be self employed. I had a tool business back in 2000. I had 6 employees which I had to pay taxes on one of them was for ssi and the other fica and if you don't know about it here's a link to explain sir I didn't wanna do it to you but you made me have to show you.
No just ssi and unemployment tax. You must have just started working the way your whining about the taxes being taken out of your check.
Sounds like a fake. Businesses don't pay half their employee's state or federal taxes, JUST SS AND MEDICARE. There is no "unemployment tax" on employees. So, in conclusion, you know nothing about being an employer. You are lying.
If you agree with me, why are you arguing? In Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky, Texas and Florida (all the states I've lived in) there is NO "unemployment tax" due from the employee. The EMPLOYER pays that tax, usually based on the job category. As say construction has a higher rate because lay-offs are more common.
You still don't get it. I know why. You've never had a business. You're just a sheep a worker ant never stepped out on your own to be self employed. I had a tool business back in 2000. I had 6 employees which I had to pay taxes on one of them was for ssi and the other fica and if you don't know about it here's a link to explain sir I didn't wanna do it to you but you made me have to show you.
Sounds like a fake. Businesses don't pay half their employee's state or federal taxes, just SS and medicare. There is no "unemployment tax" on employees. So, in conclusion, you know nothing about being an employer. You are lying.
Did you even read my post? By the way, FICA is SS and Medicare.
Great rebuttal. (sarcasm) Those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it.

Funny, you seem to know squat about socialism. Read some Marx before you comment. Better yet, point to where in the constitution it says we should be purely capitalist.

FYI, Ayn Rand collected Social Security checks.
Great rebuttal. (sarcasm) Those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it.

if his was a great rebuttal (sarcasm noted), your rebuttal is on par with what a 7 year old could conjure up.

seriously dude, the cold war is over, communism is dead. you can get back to suppressing your latent homosexual urges and complaining about these new-fangled aspect ratios.