It's Officially fall now... so I have a temperature question

Dice Clay

Active Member
Temps have dropped a bit lately, which is nice for many reasons. My room has been from 70-72F with the light on and 61-66F with the lights off.... They are in the 43rd day of flowering, and the buds are really dense and nicely formed. I think that the cold is good for them at this stage, but was hoping for some imput from you guys as to what your preferences are. Thanks a lot ;)


Well-Known Member
Sounds real good. I live way north and it's 75 with just 3 fans and a partially open window. Will need humidifiers soon though. Yours should be ready well before that. In fact, I am counting on the heat from all my lights in two rooms to help heat our upstairs. Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra. My 1000 HPS, 2 400 HPS, 8 tube 48" T5 and a few bowl reflectors with 55 watt CFLs should help. -26F when I would head for work at 0430.


New Member
U got eny pics ???

hear is my babies but aint got enough light at the moment so don't no how well they will do

White Widow Auto Flower


Outdoor Grape Fruit Semi Auto


Dice Clay

Active Member
Sounds real good. I live way north and it's 75 with just 3 fans and a partially open window. Will need humidifiers soon though. Yours should be ready well before that. In fact, I am counting on the heat from all my lights in two rooms to help heat our upstairs. Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra. My 1000 HPS, 2 400 HPS, 8 tube 48" T5 and a few bowl reflectors with 55 watt CFLs should help. -26F when I would head for work at 0430.

Yeah I am already thinking of how to winterize my room... I will use thick foam board to line the floors as well as covering the windows with it. Caulking the seams and hoping as well that the residual heat from the 1000w hps will heat the room.. if not a small space heater hooked up to a temperature driven switch will do the trick ;) I am happy to deal with this rather than the 95F+ temps with 90+ % humidity!