It's really fucking cold out

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
As long as the seeds do not get below 32° F. At 32° seeds can be stored for 5-10 years. As temps get hotter that storage rate decreases. Any lower means death.


Well-Known Member
It's always cold at high altitude. The climate is much more stable due to less density of particles and potential energy storage.

There should be little to no difference.


Well-Known Member
Well, let's see here! I just posted a thread on this! In my "Bud Porn" thread!
We had almost 2 feet of snow here where I live, & damned if my power didn't go off!! We could handle 1 night in the house & that was it! We had to pack & stay with my wifes mother. I have 11+ girls vegging, and a shit ton in flowering! When we left to go to my mother n laws I looked at the temp in the house and it said it was 28* in here!! I knew I was going to loose everyone of them! :( I just had received a bean order like 2 days b4 all this shit happened!! The seedbank I ordered from had threw in 11 FREE Chemmy Jones beans, so I've never grew that strain before, so I started one, & she had just broke ground!! The only thing I knew to do was sit all the plants up on stuff so the pots wouldn't be sitting on the cold ass floor!! Well I did all that, hoping for the best, knowing the worst was coming!! The power stayed off for 3 fucking days!! Boy I was so pissed! All that hard work down the pisser!! Well, we got home & I really didn't want to even look in the kitchen where I had put um up on the counter tops & table!! Well, I went in there, & you'll never believe it!! Everyone of my girls made it! Yaaaaay!!.. ;) even the baby Chemmy.. I still can't believe it!! The only thing that happened I seen where a few of the tips of the leaves where burnt as if they had nute burn, & that was it!! And it had to stay down in the lower 20's the entire 3 days!! Idk how in the hell they made it through!! But I am sure glad they did.. ;) Go figure... thought I would share that..


Well-Known Member
Plants will go into a kind of stasis at low (but not freezing) temperatures.

You can keep clones in zip locks in your fridge few a few days easy.


Well-Known Member
Light has been shed ross thankyou! I remember my dad wouldnt go look at his girls outside till around deer season here if he could, he always said its the second frost you gotta worry about one shouldnt kill em.


Well-Known Member
That sucks dankster...surprised your water pipes didn't burst.
Well, I did I believe pervent that from going down! I left the damn water running just alittle, so that wouldn't happen. I would much rather pay for alittle bit hiigher water bill, then replacing water pipes! You feel me!? I have heat tape on um, but where the damn power went out, they wasn't helping anything!! And I really thought I would be coming home to everyone of my girls laying over all f'd up!! I am so glad they didn't die! ;) I was 4 real almost in tears. :( anyone that grows knows what I am talking about. There 4 real like my babies! We all work hard on this shit!! Our $, blood, sweat, & tears go into our grows!! Y'all know. And it was really upsetting know they where going to die. They really needed to be watered, but I knew if I watered them it would freeze there roots! All good now!! I just hope & pray that we don't have anymore power outtages!!! Hell I pay enough $ for the electric! You would think that they would "AEP" would have a shit ton of there workers out trying to fix the problem quickly, so shit like this don't happen! Or atleast trim trees away from power lines to prevent it! But NO.. I seen 30+ power company trucks sitting in mac donalds parking lot all drinking coffie!! I know they have a shitty job, & they work during rough conditions. Its just frustrating sitting at "your mother n laws" house looking at that 24 7!! That and loosing everything in your freezer/food! And so on!! Well, enough complaining... ;)


Well-Known Member
Plants will go into a kind of stasis at low (but not freezing) temperatures.

You can keep clones in zip locks in your fridge few a few days easy.
I hear ya bro.. But see that's what I'm not getting! I thought 4 sure they would've died, because I know the teps in the house those 3 days where way below freezing!! Mid 20's... all that really happened was the tips where burnt as if they where nute burnt, & that's it.. ;) boy was I happy!!!


Well-Known Member
they will be just fine buddy, no need to worry :)

Really apperciate it bro! ;) makes me feel a whole hell of a lot better knowing all my time & $ just didn't go down the shitter!! Shewww!!.. thanks again..

It really is a unique plant to with stand what all we/mother nature puts this plant through! When I stop & think about it, it 4 real blows my mind!! Hell, I took a 8"penny zinc coated nail & drove it into the base of a girl I had outdoors, & it was amazing to watch it bounce back & form a knot around that nail, & once it bounced back it took off like a bat outta hell! Seriously!! The base got alittle bit bigger then a baseball, and she grew to almost 7 and 1/2 ' foot tall!! It was unreal!! At that time I hadn't herd of "super cropping" or LST or anything like that. And also a ol' timer grower told me to get a small gauge needle & shoot um up with "milk"!! Idk if it works or not, never tried it! But this old feller swore by it!!!.. later..

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
-8 here. It's funny seeing people from warmer states react to temps not even close.



Well-Known Member
I have been keeping my seeds in a freezer and have not had a problem. Not saying it is the correct thing to do, just saying getting frozen in the mail shouldn't hurt them.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault keeps all its seeds at 0 degrees (-18 Celsius).


Well-Known Member
I have been keeping my seeds in a freezer and have not had a problem. Not saying it is the correct thing to do, just saying getting frozen in the mail shouldn't hurt them.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault keeps all its seeds at 0 degrees (-18 Celsius).
Thanks man. I never kept my seeds cold. Chesus had me wondering lol. I was beginning to wonder what would happen with the seeds sitting in the trucks at 5 degrees. The mail men drive slow as hell lol I know they have to be chilly!