ITT Secrets you wouldn't tell anyone.


Well-Known Member
One time I was going through opiate withdrawal and on like day 3 (around the time the liquid shits come) I thought I had to fart and I shit all over myself, it was horrible I had to take a shower and change the sheets on the bed all while feeling like death, was kinda funny tho when I came out the shower my mom was standing in the hall and I said "we never speak of this again" she started laughing...was a dark day for sure

Nyan Rapier

Well-Known Member
Sometimes when I'm sick or I've eaten a lot of Mexican food I make a toilet paper maxipad for my ass so I don't fart and accidentally shit in my pants.
Secret #2 I just found out the true meaning of explosive diarrhea. I had to clean the top of my toilet seat. The one behind my back. Seriously though, why do all the secrets so far involve shit?

Update: Found some on the wall.
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