ive a shit load of under growth


Active Member
what i mean is, if you move to the side some of the fan leaves, theres another layer of canopy of smaller leaves under there

is this good?


Active Member
got some pics? sounds like what happens when I supercrop me plants.... ya didn't supercrop a sativa didja?


Active Member

ok this is from 2 weeks ago and if you can see that, imagine 2 weeks more of veggin and thats what i have got

so much so, that on one plant, one of the canopy leaves made a made dash for freedom and sunshine and made it out past one of the fan leaves lol

good or bad?


Well-Known Member
Hi - those small leafs i see on the picture are side shoots. Those are good since it is on these + on the main top you will see all the bud when flowering. The more branching you can get here mostly means more bud.


Active Member
Sounds good Brimi and what i expected to happen too - would some of the lower shoots be good for clones?


Well-Known Member
bit late for scrogging now since i was going to switch to 12/12 this week no?
It's not to late. Your plant is going to stretch 2-3 times it's current length. You can weave while flowering. The ideal timing is to fill your space with branches about half way through the flowering process. You wouldn't want to weave all your plants during veg and then find out later you got a male in the mix.


Active Member
im nearly sure they were feminized seeds, ill take the scrog and cloning under advice and think something up thanks!

scrog net shouldnt be too hard to organise

setting up PC cab will be more difficult


Well-Known Member
Ok quick question, mine is doing that too, but is mine from topping and LSTing? Their bushing at every node like that. and my two plants each got 4 colas, in a closet.


Active Member
basically SBS i think we are both giving the nodes enough light to do that and its a good thing

fucking scrog is tempting me now since i reckon its too big and bushy to lst propperly and i dont want to crop it


Active Member
question for you sbs, what is that avatar? i have seen a few people using it here

looks like kurt cobain