Jar size?


Active Member
Should I be putting less in each jar or using bigger jars? Is there a rule of thumb on the air to flower ratio in the jar or does it not matter much if the humidity is in a good range? I’ve been burping once a day. Do I keep doing that indefinitely or at some point in curing do you go more time between burps or stop doing it regularly at all? Do the boost packets affect the flavor? Sorry many queries- grateful for input on any!



Well-Known Member
No idea on the boost packs. 3/4 full on the jar to start. I like to lay them on their side to increase surface area and maintain humidity throughout the jar. With you using pints, I would think you would hit your 55-65% curing humidity pretty quickly. Once you're in that range daily burping for~2 weeks then slow it down. About 6 weeks from jarring up, pop then open wherever you want a deep nose hit off your flowers. I use quart sized
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