Just owned one of my plants


I'm 3 days into flower growing in 3 gallon buckets, indoor, soil. One of my 6 week old plants tipped over when I was out. To make matters worse, the main branches (4 of the middlemost ones) and several fan leaves got caught inside my oscilating fan. They're bent and soggy, and got chewed up pretty badly (there's plant matter all over the floor) :cry:.

My question is, should I just let this guy keep growing? Or should I trim the branches and leaves that got damaged? And can I still expect bud off this guy? All of the other branches and leaves are fine. +rep to anyone who helps.


Well-Known Member
I would personally trim off the badly damaged branches/leafs. The plant will heal itself over time..

trust me.. I've seen some plants that I thought were absolutely DEAD.. and yet, a few weeks later I see them again and they're thriving like no tomorrow.

So again, I would just carefully trim off any damaged material.. and maybe give it a little dose of some nutrients to help with any stress it received from the accident

and just leave it alone and let it recover on its own accord.

Good luck man.



Active Member
If it's a guy, no, you wont get any bud! If its a girl, yep, you will!
Any part of the plant that is damaged, such as a branch or stem, can be taped back together and will recover with a knot where the damage occured. Use a splint if necesary)
Any leaf that is damaged more than 50%, remove it to stop the plant wasting energy trying to repair it.
The plant will recover. 2 drops of superthrive per gal of water is good for these situations.
I once dropped a light on a plant which decapitated it, she was more or less chopped in half. I felt physically sick when I saw it. She was a beautiful 3ft tall bushy motherplant. Masking tape, kebab stick, superthrive. The following day the leaves were not even wilted, meaning water was travelling up to the top. 1 week later, removed the tape and the only visible sign of damage was a knot where it occured.

Keep her going, treat her good. She wont give you a bj but she may well give you some delicious bud.


Well-Known Member
I'm 3 days into flower growing in 3 gallon buckets, indoor, soil. One of my 6 week old plants tipped over when I was out. To make matters worse, the main branches (4 of the middlemost ones) and several fan leaves got caught inside my oscilating fan. They're bent and soggy, and got chewed up pretty badly (there's plant matter all over the floor) :cry:.

My question is, should I just let this guy keep growing? Or should I trim the branches and leaves that got damaged? And can I still expect bud off this guy? All of the other branches and leaves are fine. +rep to anyone who helps.

If its a 'guy' (male) plant?? You won't get hardly any buds from it.. you'll get mostly seeds. So, unless you plan on breeding out your own strain, or just want to harvest seeds.. then I would chop the 'guy' down.. and try for a female the next time around.

If its female, then yeah.. you can still expect it to flower and bud for ya. Just make sure your extremely patient.. because accidents like these can extend the flowering cycle.. and will also stunt the plants growth sometimes.. in order for the plant to put its energy into recovering from the accident. Once it recovers, it will go back to normal growth/development. Like I said, just give it lots of love and care.. and make sure your patient with it, and give it plenty of time to recover.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
....My question is, should I just let this guy keep growing?.
if its a guy,you should chop it but if female,I would leave it alone a few days & then trim anything that looks like it will take a lot of energy to repair.
yes you will still get bud but the more energy the plant uses 4 repair, the less it has for bud production