Just remember Ron Paul 2012! Your Vote can help save our counrty!

Good job on avoiding my point. A good job you wouldn't be able to complete if our cingle-celled ancestors were killed.

are you still stuck on "cingle" [SIC] celled organism? dude, we're multicellular now, get with the times. you are a few billion years behind the times, bro.

one second old zygotes are people, corporations are people, thus a one second old zygote is a corporation by transitivity of "are".

and just like we must keep rape corporations alive, we must keep rape zygotes (PEOPLE!) alive.

common sense 101, brah.
are you still stuck on "cingle" [SIC] celled organism? dude, we're multicellular now, get with the times. you are a few billion years behind the times, bro.

one second old zygotes are people, corporations are people, thus a one second old zygote is a corporation by transitivity of "are".

and just like we must keep rape corporations alive, we must keep rape zygotes (PEOPLE!) alive.

common sense 101, brah.
You make it seem like just because it doesn't have any human features, it's worthless. Others don't think along those lines.
NO Brain Surgury for me
God Has Healed Me !!!

Yep you are officially a moron lol that has nothing to do with my brain injury, lol I have a pineal cyst in my brain also and it is totally unrelated wow, I really hope you feel good about being A troll ! Lol that's the only thing you can find lol and it has nothing to do with it .
Wow some people have their priorities all fucked up..

Maybe we should all be gay then we wouldn't need birth control at all...
It would be polite to keep Paulitics in Paulitics. cn

We need two politics sections though...the 2nd one would be for the other 99% of the board who hasn't whored out the current politics section. Not everyone wants to hold a gun to each others heads while discussing certain topics. Plus some dudes have over 20k posts an are in on every fucking topic and it just gets old listening to the same 10 people argue over and over.
We need two politics sections though...the 2nd one would be for the other 99% of the board who hasn't whored out the current politics section. Not everyone wants to hold a gun to each others heads while discussing certain topics. Plus some dudes have over 20k posts an are in on every fucking topic and it just gets old listening to the same 10 people argue over and over.

UncleBuck needs his own section.. With all those posts you know who trolls.. Always complains... does not seem to know what he's talking about.. so he just keeps talking to fill the void in his brain that was caused by all the Obamney semen he has swallowed (Birth Control). END THE UNCLEBUCK 2012!

Note to self: Press ignore = lose 23,000 posts on Roll it Up
We need two politics sections though...the 2nd one would be for the other 99% of the board who hasn't whored out the current politics section. Not everyone wants to hold a gun to each others heads while discussing certain topics. Plus some dudes have over 20k posts an are in on every fucking topic and it just gets old listening to the same 10 people argue over and over.

Does that mean I should shoosh? I'm not innocent of posting all over ... cn
Truly sad. Yes let's make the main issues of the country about PERSONAL CHOICES land of the free do what the fuck you want to do and shut the fuck up. Wow i'm amazed at how people have their priorities fucked up. The constitution is slowly being burned in front of our eyes and this is the type of shit people argue about. wake up
Truly sad. Yes let's make the main issues of the country about PERSONAL CHOICES land of the free do what the fuck you want to do and shut the fuck up. Wow i'm amazed at how people have their priorities fucked up. The constitution is slowly being burned in front of our eyes and this is the type of shit people argue about. wake up
this country isnt about rights anymore
freedom doesnt exist. romney just won the rep nom. i thought it he was already stated for rep nom for months ,but in any case fuck em both we dont need government we are free no matter what

imagine that, a rawn pawl lover told us to "wake up". that's a first.

the "revolution" ended at 5:43 PM eastern time today, and i smiled a big smile of joy, knowing that rawn pawl will quietly retreat to his texas habitat, turtle under each arm, never to be heard from again.
imagine that, a rawn pawl lover told us to "wake up". that's a first.

the "revolution" ended at 5:43 PM eastern time today, and i smiled a big smile of joy, knowing that rawn pawl will quietly retreat to his texas habitat, turtle under each arm, never to be heard from again.

lol you think you know so much your little game of politics is a complete joke. I'm not a ron paul lover because unlike you i realize that your vote is meaningless. You can vote all you want but it doesn't do shit because behind the curtains the politicians are being controlled like puppets. Don't be so butt hurt uncle fuck, i know your ass is sore from the poundings of your beloved gays but you don't have to be so angry. I know it must suck to be a 40 year old loser who trolls the internet all day but at the end of the day when you look in the mirror we all know how you really feel. I'm glad being a big man on the internet makes you feel powerful, otherwise your life would most likely be worthless lmao
at the end of the day you right. i like to pretend to be politically involved and am registered and all that but its fucking right. central banking has a goddamn strangle hold on the government knowing that they can't escape a monetary system now that we've already allowed the rockafeller, and jp morgan & chase companies to take over the banking system.