Kevin's House?

I bet prior to Trump documents got lost & found all the time, it just wasn't reported because there's a proper process to handle it and it's boring news. Then the turd came along and he fucks shit up in unimaginable novel ways, so now everybody's paying much more attention to it. *shrug* Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
There was a lady on the Newshour this week talking about the law. What she said. . . . . Any original government document belongs to the government, thus are illegal to retain. Copies of classified material are illegal to retain. And all national defense material, no matter the classification are illegal to retain. But when one bunch leave and another bunch move in, there are lots of documents that get stuck here and there in the rush. We need a team to go in and help pack shit up so this doesn't happen as much.
I bet prior to Trump documents got lost & found all the time, it just wasn't reported because there's a proper process to handle it and it's boring news. Then the turd came along and he fucks shit up in unimaginable novel ways, so now everybody's paying much more attention to it. *shrug* Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
Agree with the sentiment but not the history.

Republicans are trying to stay relevant and so they make noise about nothing important while trying to make Biden's clerical error seem as bad as Trump shooting a person on fifth avenue in front of a crowd at high noon.
Should be fun hearing uncle joe and his cronies explain why he's leaving classified material in multiple locations. Could also be interesting to find out why this was known before midterms and yet only released recently.
It will be interesting to see how these two cases play out in court, except Biden's won't make it to indictment since he committed no crime, Trump on the other hand they have by the balls. Mens Rea is the key, with Trump there is plenty of evidence, with Joe there is none and unlikely to be. Garland even has a Trump appointee looking into Joe's matter, while there is a special prosecutor about to indict Trump. Unjustly you think? The two are separate matters and Biden's issues are not Jack's concern. This just cleans things up for Garland and clears the way to indictment.
Two points. The main thing the russians did was to use facebook to get black folks to stay home on election day. Team blue lives and dies on black turnout.

And Hill was the most hated pol in America. I don't understand it, but it was real.
It really was quite effective and brilliant in a diabolical kind of way.

That was what really was the 'ah-ha' moment for me, was learning about the 'left-troll' role in the nudging/radicalization. Those margins of disenchanted voters buying into the 'both sides' narratives while trolling for years every race baiting/sexist/elitist/ect across all forms of media to get people to hate Clinton and the Democrats enough to not vote were so key to the Republican wins in 2016.
Yeah man it is tough, especially when we were in a years long trolling campaign against her, and especially when we really had no idea that a foreign military was the one pumping it up and the way it was coordinating every aspect of what we see to paint the picture by spamming their selectively edited propaganda nonstop that then got picked up by 'news' companies as well as the manufactured propaganda stories that were being published in them by Russian assets like John Solomon.

I really think Comey was in quite possibly the shittiest spot in American history. If he doesn't come out with that, Guiliani was using yet another mister Dick Pic laptop with 'incriminating' (lol) evidence that the FBI ws covering it up to sway the election against Trump, who just happened to had been pushing the 'stop the steal' shit with Roger Stone.

All while finding out about all the shit it took the rest of us years to drag out into the public info-sphere about the social media attack on us and coordination between Trump and the Russian military (and other dictators/cults/propagandists we are still learning more about) radicalizing our mentally vulnerable, and knowing that if he didn't bring up the new information that it would have been used by the Republicans (who were always looking good to win the house and senate) to attack the FBI and Clinton (is she were POTUS).

Then I think the next two years will show what she would have had to endure for four years leading up to the 2018/2020 elections that would have ensured they would have had all the propaganda pushed they could ever want and because of their hobbling the government, not a damn thing could have been done about it.

And it all came crashing down because Trump is a stupid asshole.
Those are killer points digging deep,on the surface in the simplest terms,we just didn't take Mr. Orange's campaign seriously(I surely never anticipated him winning nor did many other Dems.),he himself sitting in Obama'a office looked shocked and he ran just for brand recognition initially. Combine that w/ the fact many Americans voted for him "for a goof" or in opposition to being offended by Hillary's "deplorables" comment or for his "your fired" supercaliflagilisticexpialodotious business man hype and the upset is in the making, TRAGICALLY
I heard there were over 100 files, some with the very highest clearances, ie nuke stuff. Also sex stuff surrounding the French President and his lady friend. And he knew he had them, even though the National Archive was asking for them, he wouldn't give them back. Even after the DOJ issued subpoenas he wouldn't return them. His lawyers actually lied to the FBI about them. That's willful retention of national defense information for sure. Thanks to 45, that is now a felony no matter the classification.

I am so sorry. That was trumpf. My bad.

President Joe Rob's staff packed up one set of files, about 10 sheets, when they were cleaning out his VP office and they took them to his office at the Biden/Penn Center, (Joe Rob's think tank). Where they were locked in a closet in that office. In early November some of his lawyers were cleaning out that office and found the files. Fifteen minutes later they called the National Archives to have someone come and pick them up. (as the law requires) Joe Rob never knew the files were there. So no willful retention of national defense information.

But other than that, the cases are just alike.
Good job,it's night and day,but the timing sucks,it's a the point where just giving the Reps a nibble turns into a Thanksgiving dinner.
Ok so here..1) she rubs you the wrong way 2) projection or framing 3) she doesn't take advice well. See? We have three.

Can you tell me more about why you perceive that she doesn't take advice well? Because that's important for a president, to be able to listen to their advisors and problematic if they don't. Case in point is 45. What instances did Clinton not take advice well?
Wow mam,you're tough,I don't want to open a can of worms and it's been a while since that election,I did not vote in that one,I'm in a very blue state so it didn't hurt her and I wish she had won,hell I've not really been political until all this recent BS involving the Orange man and a rogues gallery of Reps lit a "I can't sit back anymore" fire in myself. Let's just say she has a arrogant streak that I don't take well to,but that not withstanding as I said I do not hate Hillary and I respect her guille,she impressed me going toe to toe w/all the Rep. Senators. On another note Gina Rammundo,a lady who ran the state next door to me is a rising star in Biden's adm., she could have a future running for the top job, another smart,tough woman
Some times these things are difficult to isolate and re-project effectively within a vacuum. You know how sometimes there's that smug person that you meet in public, that you just can't stand the cut of their jib, but also can't exactly pinpoint why? Here's three quick attributes for you though: her scoffing dismissive attitude toward those she disagrees with, her often displayed self-righteous indignation, and her overtly hawkish demeanor. I'm in the "middle age" range.

Thank you PJ I can understand what you mean however..

We are now in the digital world. Please post three of any vids at her doing those things to further discuss those. When choosing a president not liking their jib can be dangerous reasoning..i'm not saying that you are dangerous reasoning, but bear with me on this.

I look forward to your response.
I heard there were over 100 files, some with the very highest clearances, ie nuke stuff. Also sex stuff surrounding the French President and his lady friend. And he knew he had them, even though the National Archive was asking for them, he wouldn't give them back. Even after the DOJ issued subpoenas he wouldn't return them. His lawyers actually lied to the FBI about them. That's willful retention of national defense information for sure. Thanks to 45, that is now a felony no matter the classification.

I am so sorry. That was trumpf. My bad.

President Joe Rob's staff packed up one set of files, about 10 sheets, when they were cleaning out his VP office and they took them to his office at the Biden/Penn Center, (Joe Rob's think tank). Where they were locked in a closet in that office. In early November some of his lawyers were cleaning out that office and found the files. Fifteen minutes later they called the National Archives to have someone come and pick them up. (as the law requires) Joe Rob never knew the files were there. So no willful retention of national defense information.

But other than that, the cases are just alike.

And they'll have it.
they can't agree with each other over when to go take a fucking think they'll ever get enough votes to oust mccarthy that way? not unless he fucks up SO BADLY that EVERYONE will vote against him...otherwise it's just another stupid, useless concession that they'll use to impede any kind of progress, tying up proceedings with failed vote after failed vote...they're obstructionist, voting against the American people unless the bills specifically give them something that they want...this is just another way to obstruct the democrats, and the American people, who they don't give one fuck about.
they can't agree with each other over when to go take a fucking think they'll ever get enough votes to oust mccarthy that way? not unless he fucks up SO BADLY that EVERYONE will vote against him...otherwise it's just another stupid, useless concession that they'll use to impede any kind of progress, tying up proceedings with failed vote after failed vote...they're obstructionist, voting against the American people unless the bills specifically give them something that they want...this is just another way to obstruct the democrats, and the American people, who they don't give one fuck about.

After their initial hiccup they'll all fall in line. Marching orders have been given. gaetz and boebert will do as they're told. They'll have the votes to do what they want. But they can't really do anything other than hold hearings. No matter what they vote on it still has to get past the Senate and the President. It's a pretty powerless House Majority.
Those are killer points digging deep,on the surface in the simplest terms,we just didn't take Mr. Orange's campaign seriously(I surely never anticipated him winning nor did many other Dems.),he himself sitting in Obama'a office looked shocked and he ran just for brand recognition initially. Combine that w/ the fact many Americans voted for him "for a goof" or in opposition to being offended by Hillary's "deplorables" comment or for his "your fired" supercaliflagilisticexpialodotious business man hype and the upset is in the making, TRAGICALLY
The 2020 election was more shocking than 2016, it was shocking that Trump got more votes than 2016 after 4 years of daily national humiliations and over a million dead from covid incompetence. Shocking that after all that it was so close in 2020 with a man like Joe running against the clown. Trump even caught covid weeks before the election and it was a fiasco with rallies in the midst of a pandemic and vaccines weeks way. It wasn't just Trump either the congress was divided too, it should have been a landslide for both, considering the past 4 years and two impeachments. Yet after the election it made little difference in 2022, even after the insurrection and the J6 committee, sure it stifled a red wave, but seriously? With abortion on the table too, they still have control of the house, but barely and the democrats barely have control of the senate.
After their initial hiccup they'll all fall in line. Marching orders have been given. gaetz and boebert will do as they're told. They'll have the votes to do what they want. But they can't really do anything other than hold hearings. No matter what they vote on it still has to get past the Senate and the President. It's a pretty powerless House Majority.
I still don't trust one member of the seditious carcass any further than i can move them with a feather...They may have their public orders, but you know they're still meeting in private, planning some kind of fucking idiotic grandstand play to get themselves more attention.
god fucking forbid they were too busy doing what they were elected to do to have time to waste on stupid fuckery.
Those are killer points digging deep,on the surface in the simplest terms,we just didn't take Mr. Orange's campaign seriously(I surely never anticipated him winning nor did many other Dems.),he himself sitting in Obama'a office looked shocked and he ran just for brand recognition initially. Combine that w/ the fact many Americans voted for him "for a goof" or in opposition to being offended by Hillary's "deplorables" comment or for his "your fired" supercaliflagilisticexpialodotious business man hype and the upset is in the making, TRAGICALLY
Brand recognition moved him through and beyond the entire term.


(this is real!)
Thank you PJ I can understand what you mean however..

We are now in the digital world. Please post three of any vids at her doing those things to further discuss those. When choosing a president not liking their jib can be dangerous reasoning..i'm not saying that you are dangerous reasoning, but bear with me on this.

I look forward to your response.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to play this game. I feel that I answered your question fairly, and if you don't see it yourself, I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps try looking from an alternate perspective. I'm not going to try to drum up three videos of her to prove my point. I can barely stand to look at her, let alone wade through her garbage.