Kingbrite Rocks

There are many people that would say Kingbrite rocks that have received there
Im still wondering what hook up you got us? I am on the west cost too (220 miles from LA) and they wanted to charge $45 for shipping + $38.50 per CXB3070 for 8 of them thats $353. DigiKey charged me $352.83 SHIPPED. I notified Jerry that you were the one who referred me and that I was from RIU. He stated that the 38.50 per CXB3070 + $45 shipping was the cheapest possible he could do. There does not seem to be much hook-up there.

Oh, and when I ordered, Digikey had them instock and Jerry said it would be 2-3 days at the earliest before he received stock. I had mine in hand through Digikey on the day Jerry said they were receiving them.

Again, I am not knocking Jerry and Kingbrite as I am all for competition (drives prices down) but he is not giving us something spectacular here. He is offering up a product for the same price we can get here stateside and just happens to have them in stock (some of the products at least, not everything... Seems hit and miss with all the companies in this category).
Sorry but I get 3590's I'll talk to him and see for a lower price. I buy 3590's
Mine were $45 shipping but they were 3590's I think it still came out a little cheaper, less than 55$ each including shipping. I'm OK with it.
Kingbrite is NOT an authorized cree distributor. I have confirmed this with cree themselves. They could be buying and selling real ones unauthorized, or could be counterfeits. Cree has advised me to not use them. I will be meeting with Cree to discuss what KB has sold me as well as supply chain issues with currently authorized distributors.
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Kingbrite is NOT an authorized cree distributor. I have confirmed this with cree themselves. They could be buying and selling real ones in authorized, or could be counterfeits. Cree has advised me to not use them. I will be meeting with Cree to discuss what KB has sold me as well as supply chain issues with currently authorized distributors.

Oh shit..........if their fakes, get the pitchforks ready!..........surely someone has tested/verified the cobs by now or no?
Well I hope they're not counterfeits. I have a bunch of 3070s being shipped from them.
Kingbrite is NOT an authorized cree distributor. I have confirmed this with cree themselves. They could be buying and selling real ones unauthorized, or could be counterfeits. Cree has advised me to not use them. I will be meeting with Cree to discuss what KB has sold me as well as supply chain issues with currently authorized distributors.

I was curious about that after I heard lighter fighter saying he got 3590's that didn't say B3590R on them and he was then told to throw them out.... I couldn't see someone saying to toss $50 cobs even if they were mislabeled CREE's...

Curious to hear what comes of your meeting. Thanks for letting us know though.
Kingbrite is NOT an authorized cree distributor. I have confirmed this with cree themselves. They could be buying and selling real ones unauthorized, or could be counterfeits. Cree has advised me to not use them. I will be meeting with Cree to discuss what KB has sold me as well as supply chain issues with currently authorized distributors.
Kingbrite is NOT an authorized cree distributor. I have confirmed this with cree themselves. They could be buying and selling real ones unauthorized, or could be counterfeits. Cree has advised me to not use them. I will be meeting with Cree to discuss what KB has sold me as well as supply chain issues with currently authorized distributors.
Really genes I thought this was the real thing


They did a great job of copying the real thing.
Really genes I thought this was the real thing

View attachment 3389591

They did a great job of copying the real thing.
KingBrite is NOT a authorized matter what

And where did I say they could only be counterfeit?

I get better prices from arrow. Others have from digikey. Authorized and backed. Cree stands behind them and what they are offering...not kingbrite.

No matter what kingbrite is sending or saying...they are not an authorized distributor.

Take what you want from that...but that is all I have said.
Kingbrite is NOT an authorized cree distributor. I have confirmed this with cree themselves. They could be buying and selling real ones unauthorized, or could be counterfeits. Cree has advised me to not use them. I will be meeting with Cree to discuss what KB has sold me as well as supply chain issues with currently authorized distributors.

Well aren't you just all important, Greeny McGreen Genes, meeting with Cree officials to discuss possible counterfeits... OR maybe Cree is just too big of a company and some wise employee(s) of theirs figured a way to rob them of their precious COBs and has since then hooked up KB with some stolen but legitimate COBS, thus allowing your *fellow* RIU members to acquire cheaper deals.

So you could possibly be ending a person's career at Cree, as well as cutting off a so-far credible source of deals for all of us here.

I like your strategy, mane. although I don't understand the logic behind it. Please, feel free to share.

If the cob fits between the metal clip thing, put a few drops of the warm white testing solution on the egg white... If it's real, it should turn blue.
If the cob fits between the metal clip thing, put a few drops of the warm white testing solution on the egg white... If it's real, it should turn blue.

Nothing better than a yellow egg than a blue egg.

An addition to my previous comment: I've never dealt with KB before, meaning I've never ordered anything from them but wonder if their prices have now balanced out with the rest of the *real* suppliers?