Kratky Hydroponic Grow. 1 plant is acting weird


Sector 5 Moderator
Oh, there is definitely something to see here if you want to learn tips on (more) passive growing, hehe (for the most part) but what I'm wondering is how best to lift off the top to change those nutes. My thought is gently raise the top (you can use a ratchet rope(s) rigged to both sides?), change the bucket out for a fresh-up new bucky, then gently lower your top-down (w/plant seated in netcup) onto the fresh bucket, job 1, job done! If you know of any grow from start to finish documented, I'd like to know about it and thanks for sharing!
I have a 2" thick foam "raft" with holes in it that the plants are floating on. It seems to be a good system overall except that I wish I had put in water pumps and air stones. I just reach into one of the empty holes and pick up the raft; it's not very heavy. Then I propped it up and siphoned out the veg nutes. As for the flowering nutes, I just mixed up the water / nutes / ph down, and dumped it onto the raft and it went to the edges and into the rez.