Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Yeah and you talk real big for a little queer. You know you don't act like this in the real world.
First, yes carne is a homosexual. But who the fuck cares? He's just like you and me (personally I like him more than you).Second, why does he have to be little? He's average sized lol.


Well-Known Member
You know kuroi, to be honest I think this thread is great...
But it could of used a little more cowbell.

And really explore the threads space.



Well-Known Member
I get that it's from a Saturday Night Live thing but I still don't know what it means.

And I'm rather concerned about Crypty, though I don't have any place talking about April behind her back. I like MattMatt though an I hope he will take good care of her.


Well-Known Member
First, yes carne is a homosexual. But who the fuck cares? He's just like you and me (personally I like him more than you).Second, why does he have to be little? He's average sized lol.
I would hope he was a homosexual with legs like that. Mine are slender too, pause, but damn they got hair on them. Looks like a nigga just got waxed. Wouldn't mind seeing carne in a corset himself now tbh, or anything that shows his legs off im not picky


Active Member
Remember back in the mid 80's when a lot of the cool chics would wear outfits that were a hybrid of the Madonna look with touches of Heavy Metal / Hair Metal accessories. Man, those ladies were sexy as hell. I met my wife back in 87' and she could pull that look off real well plus she had a great spiral perm that we all called Ozzy Hair. Now she's a grandma and wears business suits to work everyday. I sure miss the good ol' days.

All of these great pics remind of a time that seemed a little more simple. If nothing else, thanks for that Kuroi. By the way, is your name pronounced like " Corey " ?


Well-Known Member
Koo-roh-ee... It simply means 'dark' or 'black' in Japanese, as does my real name. x

Thanks guys. I have a huge fondness for the late 1800s, I can be a little in the past, but it's not always a bad thing I guess. For this reason I love museums, charity/vintage stores and looking at Victorian fashion magazines in the library.

Actually, I'd like to see Carne in a corset too. Men used to wear them. But I think he'd look hot in a women's corset. Agreed, show off those legs. Check out this fantastic Jessica Rabbit drag queen!
