Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Of course you'd love it. :rolleyes: Bet it really spoke to you and your depersonalization didn't it. :lol:
Well, it did. Having a crazy wolf girl as a main character was a bonus, but even if you took that out of the story it was an amazing film. I love the camera tracking they used in alot of scenes- at times it felt like a live action movie. It goes to show what good storyboarding will achieve- be very specific about angles, pans and framing, then get the animators to stay true to it. They don't shy away from foreshortening and 360 views do they!

Lucky me, I got the Ghibli classics collection for 'cello at the convention. I've been listening to it on repeat all day.


Well-Known Member
I will be here @ home w/ my lonesome passing out candy..working out. <3 I am not doing anything until the new year. I am trying to reach some goals before making new 1s for 2012.
I had to run down to the clinic to grab a few grams of there top fliight to celebrate & change it up. :)


Well-Known Member
Lol, I don't celebrate Halloween. I went to a convention on the 29th and my costume is in Inspired Art. On the way back people were giving me funny looks but I lol at how no one finds Halloween costumes strange. I did see a few people in Halloween costumes going to early parties but they looked like total shit compared to some of the BREATHTAKING cosplay I saw. Normal people don't know anything about costume XP

Yeah, you were gone for ages!! But you are back now so I give you cuddles <3


Well-Known Member
Yes I tend to sway away now & then.. but it is the few RIU members who bring me back! you gals included,.. Cyber Spanky Spanky :D my fav! Awww a masquerade ball! that would be niice & yesss that would be a sexiified & Hott costume for you April.

Oh & I could not agree more Kuroi! You will see a few good costumes around but the majority! My God That 500lb Woman Should Have Not Decided To Be Pocahontas.!!.


Pickle Queen
Yes I tend to sway away now & then.. but it is the few RIU members who bring me back! you gals included,.. Cyber Spanky Spanky :D my fav! Awww a masquerade ball! that would be niice & yesss that would be a sexiified & Hott costume for you April.

Oh & I could not agree more Kuroi! You will see a few good costumes around but the majority! My God That 500lb Woman Should Have Not Decided To Be Pocahontas.!!.
More like Porkyfatass ;)


Well-Known Member
1:25 am here and I'm STILL doing coursework. *sigh*

I feel like the odd one out- everyone in my house hold is crazy about peanut butter but I can't stand it XP

I'll make you toast, anyway x