Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...


Well-Known Member
lacygirl said:
my hubby has been brilliant all day, and now that i feel I am on the mend, he thinks he's coming down with something... Isn't it always the way...
Yep, went down just like that here too. Viruses are evil little fuckers.


Active Member
so i went looking into the cooler cloner. turns out not only did i have almost everything i needed already, but i had the exact same cooler that gave northern the idea. i thought that was pretty funny myself.

is any bleach safe to use? i figured the scented laudry bleach i have wouldnt be a problem since its only a few drops. your thoughts?

the only problems; my drill is awol and my water pump was not powerful enough to push the mister heads. i have an ultrasonic fogger, do you think i could use this with the same affect? ive seen plenty of people build them, but never any results. would the fogger mist the bleach and superthrive as well, or would it separate out of solution? i dont have any money to spend really, so thats why i ask, otherwise id just go and buy a bigger pump =/

now to sit and wait for my friend to get home so i can borrow his drill -_-


Well-Known Member
so i went looking into the cooler cloner. turns out not only did i have almost everything i needed already, but i had the exact same cooler that gave northern the idea. i thought that was pretty funny myself.

is any bleach safe to use? i figured the scented laudry bleach i have wouldnt be a problem since its only a few drops. your thoughts?

the only problems; my drill is awol and my water pump was not powerful enough to push the mister heads. i have an ultrasonic fogger, do you think i could use this with the same affect? ive seen plenty of people build them, but never any results. would the fogger mist the bleach and superthrive as well, or would it separate out of solution? i dont have any money to spend really, so thats why i ask, otherwise id just go and buy a bigger pump =/

now to sit and wait for my friend to get home so i can borrow his drill -_-

not sure about the scented bleach.


Well-Known Member

This is what happens when you fail to re plug the water pump back in... Its fixed now and they will recover but they look like shit...:-(

I was so sick last night and I got SLH resin in my eye and I unpluged the wrong plug... GODDAMMIT....!!!!!

I will take another photos in a few hours to show you the recovery time...


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member

This is what happens when you fail to re plug the water pump back in... Its fixed now and they will recover but they look like shit...:-(

I was so sick last night and I got SLH resin in my eye and I unpluged the wrong plug... GODDAMMIT....!!!!!

I will take another photos in a few hours to show you the recovery time...


No problem Lacey. I've already done this half a dozen times. I get high, show a friend the new tech and bang, I forget to plug it in. They llok fine they'll be alright.


Well-Known Member
Thanks North, and everyone else I hope so... I've just checked them and they are already on the way back so that's encouraging...:-)


Well-Known Member
My hubby and I have talked about the snip... Two's enough for me... I hope he finally decides to come round...He's not terribly receptive to the idea...

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Well they'll give me plenty of percocets so I'm game. The pre exam was wierd, Doc wouldn't look me in the eye. Now that I think of it it would have been stranger if we looked each other in the eye while he's touching my junk. Tried like hell to find a female dr but none local that do it.


Well-Known Member
Actually guys, tube tying is more dangerous in the long run than the snip...:-) Scientific fact...

But yeah, I could imagine how uncomfortable that kind of examination would be... I'll feel sorry for you when you have a pap

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Actually guys, tube tying is more dangerous in the long run than the snip...:-) Scientific fact...

But yeah, I could imagine how uncomfortable that kind of examination would be... I'll feel sorry for you when you have a pap

Luckily I'm still plenty young for a prostate check. I'll be looking for a Dr with small hands.


Active Member
invasive you had a colanascopy or synoidoscapy or watever they are called that shit is fucking horrible i will never do that shit again id rather get cancer i know i wouldnt but i say it that shit was so invasive wrong painful wierd fucked up prcedure ive ever had to deal with
i once damn near severed my arm i lost half my blood gaping would plastic surgery nurve tendons nuscle veins all sliced when trying stop bleeding no pain meds yet no drip had nurses sticking their hand in open would trying stop bleeding and that shit was still worse than that idk what a pap smear is like all dudes in hear that have to have that test for colan cancer its HORRIBLE


Well-Known Member
I've been through labour.... Twice,,,, bring it on baby!!!! Nothing on this planet can prepare you for labour... And then to get half way thru it, twice, and they say, look your baby is a bit stressed, so even though you've put in 12 hours of full on contractions, we'll have to CUT YOU OPEN, while your awake...Well the second time they had to knock me completely out, to perform the caesearian, try lifting a 6 pound baby to your breast with a cut in your stomach, going across your stomach mind you, that's the size of a watermelon....