Leaf Stripping?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hello All: I started my first grow in 26 years last May. All was well with my 12 beautiful bushy girls, (I have them in my 12X30 enclosed, but sunlit patio).
Then, my son who is helping me, arbitrarelly & unilaterelly decided that 4 of them needed a "good thinning out". He proceeded to rip all the large fan leaves off, leaving just a few small ones at the ends of th branches. My question is what would be the prognosis for plants subjected to said "thinning". I would appreciate any and all input. Needless to say, it just ripped my heart out and I have pretty much lost all interest in this grow!
Good luck with yours, Burgerboss

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey Boss...

The first thing I must say is this... PLants should only bring you happiness.. even if they are stolen or die.. remeber , they are to bring you hapiness and love and joy into into your precious life....

That being said, your son FUCKED up bug time... LOL....
The fan leaves are the ENERGY collectors for the plant.... When the plant is done with the fan leaves, it will let them turn a BRIGHT and beautiful yellow and then they will fall off..

pictures please....

many people have made this mistake and still get decent harvests...


I would also recoomend you replace your sons KY jelly with Ben Gay or Icy HOt.. this will teach him a valuable lesson... :) don't fuck with BIG PAPPA's plants...

Your plants need you more than ever... stay interested and don't abandon the mission :)

Maybe you can check a book out from the library regarding plant growth and fan leaves and have your son read it and write you a short synopsis of his new found knowledge.... before he is allowed to tamper with the MJ plants.. :)
