leaves curling


Active Member
2 plants several weeks old ,very stunted growth,leaves yellowish green,but also curling..this is my first time trying to grow....and i know i stressed them...but can someone describe why the coloring and the curling of leaves ...and how to help my babies turn green ,stand tall,and make me not feel so dumb..thanks stan


Active Member
to me they are twisting ..so part of the underneath of the leave is showing..plants maybe 3-4 weeks old...soil is just moist water when soil is almost dry ..and no nutes as yet ..as thought too early


Well-Known Member
to me they are twisting ..so part of the underneath of the leave is showing..plants maybe 3-4 weeks old...soil is just moist water when soil is almost dry ..and no nutes as yet ..as thought too early
Hiya Dragonboat

Okay, sounds like a few things going on here. Firstly, 3-4 weeks old? Sounds like (if you haven't repotted them in that time) it's time for some nutrient feeding. Before you start doing that, if you haven't repotted them then it's time to pot them up to a larger pot, assuming they aren't in their final sized pot, if they are - time to start feeding with some nutrients.

Also, you need to understand how to water your plants - feeling the top of the soil is not a good way of determining how much moisture is in the pot half way down. Understand and use the 'wet/dry' method of plant watering. This is done by feeling the weight of a dry pot and comparing it against the weight of a wet, recently watered pot, you'll know when it's dry because the pot will feel 'light'.

Start your Grow nutrient off at about 25% recommended doseage. Water with tepid water mixed with 25% nutrient and if you can use a watering can with sprinkler on the end - the sprinkles of water help push oxygen into the soil. Also allow for about 10-20% run off out the bottom of the pot to also help soil aeration.