leaves turning yellow plz hlp


Well-Known Member
today is the first time i used nutes..so its impossible for it to be the nutes fault..its only about 20 days old


Active Member
it could be that your just not giving it enough water because it looks pretty dry in there. how often you water it


Well-Known Member
I gotta be honest, I started growing two years ago and i've got better every grow. I don't see a thing wrong with your plants. Every time someone says they have a few yellow leaves everyone seems to think its nute burn or something. I just think its natural. I always have a few bottom leaves turn yellow. When I transplant I have a few turn. I always pull the yellow and wilting leaves off immediately. The plant will bounce back I promise. Its when your entire plant starts turning yellow, thats when you have a problem. Simply pull the bad looking leaves off. Its early in the game, they will be fine.......


Well-Known Member
I gotta be honest, I started growing two years ago and i've got better every grow. I don't see a thing wrong with your plants. Every time someone says they have a few yellow leaves everyone seems to think its nute burn or something. I just think its natural. I always have a few bottom leaves turn yellow. When I transplant I have a few turn. I always pull the yellow and wilting leaves off immediately. The plant will bounce back I promise. Its when your entire plant starts turning yellow, thats when you have a problem. Simply pull the bad looking leaves off. Its early in the game, they will be fine.......
sounds logical...i know its not nute burn..just that the tips of da yellowing leves are starting to brown a little bit and i water them like every other day..my soil few inches down is always dry by then


Well-Known Member
Just give them 1/2 recommended dose of nutes every watering and wait one week. All is well and on time, no worrys.


Well-Known Member
hey,my leaves are turnin drasticly yellow..they also seem 2 be drying/dieing im not sure.... just added nutes for first time today 2 c if a change will happen...here is everything i use and doing ..pics below of yellowing...plz any1 help me...
See those very first set of fake leafs (cotyledons) well when you see those turn yellow that means the plant has used up all the nutes it had from seed and is now in need of nutes. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty high, take it slow and give her time, trust me she will be fine as long as you do not nute burn her. A little at a time and she will be fine.
yah im going 2 stores tommorrow and finding 20-5-5 nute hopefully i can get dat and save the 10-15-10 for when they flower


It is normal that the lower leaves becomes yellow and falls naturally.
Your plant seems to be perfect, nothing to worry about.
Good Luck

What seed did you use?


Well-Known Member
i went out today and bought some 8-7-6 plant food hopefully this ratio will work better...and i used some bag seeds idk what kind it was my friend gave it to me


Well-Known Member
It is normal that the lower leaves becomes yellow and falls naturally.
Your plant seems to be perfect, nothing to worry about.
Good Luck

What seed did you use?
Sure it's normal but inside growing helps us manipulate the grow, and we want to hold on too every leaf (green) as long as possible, ( just after the flush).