LED Lights Vs. HPS

dont have a BF biatch! I have an old Lite Brite you can borrow.

Haha, whatever man. Don't get pissed at me just because I asked you to know what your talking about before you start running your mouth.

I have no problem with you, and I don't understand why you would have a problem with me.
Haha, whatever man. Don't get pissed at me just because I asked you to know what your talking about before you start running your mouth.

I have no problem with you, and I don't understand why you would have a problem with me.

I just dont think LEDS are worth what theyre asking because the yield they produce is far from high or worth the extra flowering time
I just dont think LEDS are worth what theyre asking because the yield they produce is far from high or worth the extra flowering time

I agree with what you are saying, but that is not the reasons why they are 'pushing' LEDs. Their claims are that you save on electricity. In addition to that, you don't have heat issues, reducing the need for exhaust fans, air conditioners, and the like. This not only continues to further the reduction of electricity, but also reduces noise, increasing their stealth capabilities.

It just depends on how you look at it.
i'll be buying two of these ufo's in a couple months. low energy consumption is key in my zone. possibly my new solar panels can power them....???...
i wouldnt recomment 2 of them, one will reach enough surface area for vegetative, then you need to flower with an HPS - no other way if u want to yield your max.
Hey all ... you really do need to research the lumens out put from led... do this with info from respective sites doing comparisons.. do not use the mfgs. specs. they always show specs from conditions no one can duplicate in the real world... you simply can not achive the same results growing with led as you can with hid . it always amazes me how this myth can perpetuate... you can grow with a flash light if you want .. but why woud you waste your time & $ ... the led mfgs dont care if your grow fails... you guys want cheep leds , look in the garbage where everyone throws them after realizing they dont work... good luck
Hi, I am from UK where we have colder, wetter weather (as most folks already know :roll: ) than most.
So, anywayz last year I converted my shed so that it had a perspex roof, this gave me outdoor lighting with indoor conditions for heat humidity etc:
My plants grew reasonably, I am not greedy so good enough kept me in smokes for `5 months from just three big plants.
Now to the point, I moved house and don`t have the shed luxury (yet).
I am growing indoors and my growroom is sh*t to say the least. that is as far as lighting is concerned. , just the one flourescent.
So... I went to everybodys favourite and just googled it. Studies have been done and the results showed that led`s are equaly as good as HPS and fair only slightly less than natural light.
As for the price, I am about to buy four panels totaling 900 leds, these are equivalent to 400w of HPS, just what I need. The price? £80 from Hong Kong. Compare with £60 for HPS of same wattage!!
The price is negligent, I will only use 20-30% of the power consumption.
HPS bulbs should be replaced every year, (they lose lumins as they burn out) Max, two crops! The LED panels are guaranteed for two years... great start! and they should last up to seven years.
This is all based on independant studies, forget the salesmen, theyre bound to bull it up a bit.
My money will be well spent on LED`s
Hmm,, sorry if I upset anyone by posting this, but this is an independant study.

University of Minn. Department of Horticultural Science LED vs. High Pressure Sodium Test Results (2006)

<SPAN style="mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt">The following graph shows results obtained at the University of Minnesota, Department of Horticultural Science comparing our LED lights and high pressure sodium (HPS) lights. Mean plant height of Capsicum annuum &#8216;Hungarian&#8217; and Bellis perennis &#8216;Monstrosa&#8217;was measured over seven weeks grown under LED and HPS HID lamps.

If you google the top line you can see the graph that shows LED beating HPS.
I`m no expert, are you? I did not know ,so I asked people who did.
thats a study from 2006. it's almost 2009 in a few months....3 years is a hell of a long time. technology is changing...rapidly if you ask me.

Hmm,, sorry if I upset anyone by posting this, but this is an independant study.

University of Minn. Department of Horticultural Science LED vs. High Pressure Sodium Test Results (2006)

<SPAN style="mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt">The following graph shows results obtained at the University of Minnesota, Department of Horticultural Science comparing our LED lights and high pressure sodium (HPS) lights. Mean plant height of Capsicum annuum ‘Hungarian’ and Bellis perennis ‘Monstrosa’was measured over seven weeks grown under LED and HPS HID lamps.

If you google the top line you can see the graph that shows LED beating HPS.
I`m no expert, are you? I did not know ,so I asked people who did.
True indeed..since 2006 LEDs have come a long way and I for one am very curious to see where they are going...Still, not willing to shell out the kinda dough the are askin for em
seems to me its a pipe dream to have little elec. bill no heat issues and
no IR problem but if in a couple of years we could switch with the same
results as HIDs Id pay the extra costs
I saw a friend's LED grow and it was pathetic. He's back to using HPS for flowering again. He did put his LED lights in his veg box, to get at least some use out of them.

As for increasing stealth by eliminating the need for fans. Well, if you eliminate the fans, you eliminate the carbon filters. So, you gain some quietness, in return for a whole lot of stinkiness. Nobody can hear my fans from the front door, but if I turn off my fans, the whole house reeks in about two hours, enough that a friend could smell it when she got out of her car in front of the house. That's not acceptable.
I saw a friend's LED grow and it was pathetic. He's back to using HPS for flowering again. He did put his LED lights in his veg box, to get at least some use out of them.

As for increasing stealth by eliminating the need for fans. Well, if you eliminate the fans, you eliminate the carbon filters. So, you gain some quietness, in return for a whole lot of stinkiness. Nobody can hear my fans from the front door, but if I turn off my fans, the whole house reeks in about two hours, enough that a friend could smell it when she got out of her car in front of the house. That's not acceptable.

First of all, there are ways around that. Ozone to say the least. Second, just because you don't have heat issues doesn't mean that you HAVE to stop running a fan with a carbon scrubber attached to it. That just doesn't makes sense. I personally use one fan for a cool tube and a second one for general exhaust that has a carbon scrubber attached to it. For me it would reduce the need for one of the two fans, which does cut down on noise.

I use the UFO for veg. I got it cheap off Ebay, and wasn't really expecting much from it. I figured I'd try it, and if it didn't work well, I could just resell it back on ebay, at probably the loss of the cost of shipping, maybe another $20, which I was willing to lose. Instead ... I'm actually impressed. If you want me to take a few pics of two of the plants that I grew under it I will, but I'm too lazy unless someone wants to see it.

I don't know if I would trust the UFO to flower with, only because I already have a 400w HPS, so why bother. And I must say that the UFO doesn't exactly equal the light coverage of a 400w mh or hps, but it does provide adequate light. The life of the thing is very decent, no need for exhaust fan (I use ona and occasionally an ozone generator for the veg area), temps are NEVER a problem, and growth of the plants seems to be great, with a decrease in power consumption and a reduction of IR detection. In my book it's plus all the way around.

Again, I don't know if I would be willing to use it for flowering, only because I havn't seen anyone actually finish a flower with one of these things, other than on utube. But then again I've seen alot of bs on utube. If I had the space to flower a clone under HPS and another under this UFO (along with having an extra light to keep my veg area and mothers going strong) I would be all over it. But for right now I'm not willing to shell out the extra $$$ for another flowering room, and another veg light.
I use the UFO for veg. I got it cheap off Ebay, and wasn't really expecting much from it. I figured I'd try it, and if it didn't work well, I could just resell it back on ebay, at probably the loss of the cost of shipping, maybe another $20, which I was willing to lose. Instead ... I'm actually impressed. If you want me to take a few pics of two of the plants that I grew under it I will, but I'm too lazy unless someone wants to see it.

I hope you got a real UFO and not an imitation...the market is flooded with cheap wannabe's.

I don't know if I would trust the UFO to flower with, only because I already have a 400w HPS, so why bother. And I must say that the UFO doesn't exactly equal the light coverage of a 400w mh or hps, but it does provide adequate light. The life of the thing is very decent, no need for exhaust fan (I use ona and occasionally an ozone generator for the veg area), temps are NEVER a problem, and growth of the plants seems to be great, with a decrease in power consumption and a reduction of IR detection. In my book it's plus all the way around.

Yeah the light coverage won't compare.

Again, I don't know if I would be willing to use it for flowering, only because I havn't seen anyone actually finish a flower with one of these things, other than on utube. But then again I've seen alot of bs on utube. If I had the space to flower a clone under HPS and another under this UFO (along with having an extra light to keep my veg area and mothers going strong) I would be all over it. But for right now I'm not willing to shell out the extra $$$ for another flowering room, and another veg light.

I wouldn't go off on that youtube video, but i have seen a full LED grow done with a procyon on another site, and the buds are smaller compared to HPS...but if you could somehow afford to run both simultaneously i'm sure you'd get better results. you should maybe start a grow with the hps & ufo and put some cfls in your veg room. might be a cool experiment...whats the worst that can happen? you'll get a dankier yield? might require some initial grunt work though.