LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow


Active Member
If IR is bad for your eyes, I'm pretty much fucked. I stare into my glory hole for 5 hours every day. That thing rolls at 2400 F and emits A SHIT TON of IR. I got bright light around me constantly in my hot shop.

I just know that all blue light is bad for your eyes. Don't look at it no matter how many times it calls out to you.


Well-Known Member
My vision is starting to get fucked up a little from all the pure blue lights *actinic* that we are using. Starting to see a black dot in the center of my vision(not floaters), more like cataract or macular degeneration. Fuckin great huh. Even though these are T5's and they seem quite weak to the eye, they are not. Blue light is very harmful to the eyes because it is very powerful. This has happened pretty fast, as I've only been using these pure blues for about a year altogether.

Probably the same reason plants respond to blue light like UVb as well, the light is powerful when it's blue. ANYWAY, USE YOUR SUNGLASSES WITH T5'S ALSO, NOT JUST MH AND HPS AND UVB AND ALL THAT OTHER SHIT. REMEMBER, T5'S WOULD EMIT 180NM UVC LIGHT IF IT WASN'T FOR THE PHOSPHOR COATING.

Damn, makes me wish I woulda made the switch to LEDs a long ass time ago. Learn from my mistakes, don't fuck your up your vision like I did.
Your eyes should recover once you stop looking at the bulbs without proper eye wear. Also, there are a number of nutrient/supplements you can take specifically for eyes. You're going to have to google though. If you need any help I can direct you



Well-Known Member
i didnt want to call him out over it... but fonz is right on some levels, better safe than sorry.

but your absolutely right any effect from blue light will go away after a time. i remember i would have to pick up a friend a night from work and after being in the room with the MH it was like being blind at night, i was doing it everyday so i began to think my vision was fucked up until one day i skipped a few day of picking him up and my eyes returned to normal.

really just dont look at the lights.... when it does come to IR from the HPS it is good to wear a pair of glasses tho, IR will have your eyes dry as fuck a simple barrrior between your eyes and the light should handle it though.


Active Member
i didnt want to call him out over it... but fonz is right on some levels, better safe than sorry.

but your absolutely right any effect from blue light will go away after a time. i remember i would have to pick up a friend a night from work and after being in the room with the MH it was like being blind at night, i was doing it everyday so i began to think my vision was fucked up until one day i skipped a few day of picking him up and my eyes returned to normal.

really just dont look at the lights.... when it does come to IR from the HPS it is good to wear a pair of glasses tho, IR will have your eyes dry as fuck a simple barrrior between your eyes and the light should handle it though.
You're right, I've been wearing shades for the last couple days and they've gotten better a little. I still see this black spot in the center of my vision though. The doc told me I have cataracts. They've probably been there for awhile. I dunno, is 32 years old a little young for cataracts?


Well-Known Member
not really my brother has cataracts since he was under 18 its not abnormal have bad vision.(hes never looked at a grow light for more than 1min total in his life probably)

my eyes have been bad, as far as farsight goes , but i dont really use shade and since ive been really good about avoiding looking at the light my vision has not really depreciated, that i can tell.


Just got a T5 set with reflectors behind the bulbs. Have 3 6400 and 3 2700. This is my first grow and the girls are loving the lights so far. I got to page 15 in this and was like with 450+ pages to read I rather just ask the maestro himself . Was the outcome just as good as your HPS? I keep reading about people saying T5 flowering causes buds to be "airy". From the photos I saw your plants were beautiful and could have been in some books.


Well-Known Member
Prof has been MIA for quite a while. Personally mine out performed my 1000 watt. More yield att gram per watt. Denser, bigger buds, frostier. With stock 6500k and 3000k bulbs only they will be airy. Those bulbs have wasted light just like hps. The aquarium bulbs produce a better spectrum with 80% more usable light than hid. Swapping out bulbs and changing spectrum, you can manipulate plants to grow much better. The only draw back is how long the bulbs last. Average 8 months to a year. Im at a year now at this. I have had 5 bulbs burn out already. 3 are still going good. Those were redsuns and coral waves that burned out. The fijis are still going strong. Ive only had the flora suns about a few months maybe longer. Don't really remember when I bought them ....

Happy growing


Prof has been MIA for quite a while. Personally mine out performed my 1000 watt. More yield att gram per watt. Denser, bigger buds, frostier. With stock 6500k and 3000k bulbs only they will be airy. Those bulbs have wasted light just like hps. The aquarium bulbs produce a better spectrum with 80% more usable light than hid. Swapping out bulbs and changing spectrum, you can manipulate plants to grow much better. The only draw back is how long the bulbs last. Average 8 months to a year. Im at a year now at this. I have had 5 bulbs burn out already. 3 are still going good. Those were redsuns and coral waves that burned out. The fijis are still going strong. Ive only had the flora suns about a few months maybe longer. Don't really remember when I bought them ...
Happy growing
Awesome man, what would you recommend for a 6 bulber?


Active Member
You're right, I've been wearing shades for the last couple days and they've gotten better a little. I still see this black spot in the center of my vision though. The doc told me I have cataracts. They've probably been there for awhile. I dunno, is 32 years old a little young for cataracts?
Mr. Fonz - please don't mess with your vision...take all steps necessary to preserve it....I know...DUHH...but still...talk to the doc and take whatever measures necessary.

Anyway, thanks so much for the spectrum analysis of the FIJI Purple and the others. Really selfless of you to put out the cash for the benefit of relative strangers.

Now I'd like your advice for my last crop of the year. I have 4 seeds germinating right now. So before they go into the dirt and under the lights....

I have 3 FIJI, 3 UVL 660, 2 UVL Red Suns, a UVL 454, a UVL 420 SA, a UVL 75.25 and a Coral Wave. The fixture is an 8 bulb 48" T5.

What would you suggest for Veg? I am willing to buy a couple bulbs if necessary.



Active Member
Mr. Fonz - please don't mess with your vision...take all steps necessary to preserve it....I know...DUHH...but still...talk to the doc and take whatever measures necessary.

Anyway, thanks so much for the spectrum analysis of the FIJI Purple and the others. Really selfless of you to put out the cash for the benefit of relative strangers.

Now I'd like your advice for my last crop of the year. I have 4 seeds germinating right now. So before they go into the dirt and under the lights....

I have 3 FIJI, 3 UVL 660, 2 UVL Red Suns, a UVL 454, a UVL 420 SA, a UVL 75.25 and a Coral Wave. The fixture is an 8 bulb 48" T5.

What would you suggest for Veg? I am willing to buy a couple bulbs if necessary.

Thank you for the kind words. I know everyone has been waiting a long time for someone to come through. I'm actually surprised no one had come through and there is almost 500 pages of this thread. LOL

I have been running 2 of the UVL660nm and 2 of the TrueLumen 460nm in my 4-lamp fixtures and get really nice growth, but I wish there was another slot so I could put in another UVL660. A 5-lamp fixture would be ideal for me.

This is my recommendation. I know it will work very nicely.

3 UVL 660 and 3 Fiji Purple alternated. Put the 75/25 and a Redsun right in the middle. You won't be disappointed. The bit of Tri-band light adds a lot from the 75/25. You will like this combo.


There is already more than enough 420nm light in ALL of the lamps. There is even a peak of 420 in the redsun and the uvl660 believe it or not.

Keep your fixture about a foot above your canopy and let the plants grow up to it. I wouldn't let your plants get more than a few inches close to the lights or they will burn a little if they touch the lamps. Take photos and show us how it goes for you.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Yeah what ever works. If you already have it. Just the aquarium fixtures cost alot more.
not really


I utilize four of these per grow chamber as vertical supplemental side-lighting...the externally ballasted feature is a great advantage...only bulb heat to contend with in the grow area

hope it helps...great deals on bulbs as well and they have proven their merit to me

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Prof has been MIA for quite a while. Personally mine out performed my 1000 watt. More yield att gram per watt. Denser, bigger buds, frostier. With stock 6500k and 3000k bulbs only they will be airy. Those bulbs have wasted light just like hps. The aquarium bulbs produce a better spectrum with 80% more usable light than hid. Swapping out bulbs and changing spectrum, you can manipulate plants to grow much better. The only draw back is how long the bulbs last. Average 8 months to a year. Im at a year now at this. I have had 5 bulbs burn out already. 3 are still going good. Those were redsuns and coral waves that burned out. The fijis are still going strong. Ive only had the flora suns about a few months maybe longer. Don't really remember when I bought them ....

Happy growing
Pr0fessor probably moved onto HPS long ago. LOL


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what his results were for this kind of setup? what kind of yield was he getting, and is it better than HPS?

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what his results were for this kind of setup? what kind of yield was he getting, and is it better than HPS?
I've done as well as anyone. About .6 GPW without Co2. Not quite what I get with HPS but I would defintitely do another run with T5's in the future.