Legalize Industrial Hemp?

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
My First post here...Rising fuel prices have had me looking at alternative fuels...biodiesel,in particular,which led to hemp fuel...I have done considerable reading on the subject over the last couple of months,and my question is this....Why isn't Industrial Hemp grown as a commercial crop in the US?....Is it the perfect alternative fuel?


Well-Known Member
If you have not seen Hemp Revolution, i have to suggest you watch it.
they explain how hemp can help with deforestation, fuel, fabric, food.
its pretty amazing the power of this plant.
and it was mandatory for farmers to grow hemp back in the early days of America
the first american flag was made from hemp, the irony


Well-Known Member
cotton & oil industries pouring in big money to keep it illegal.....isnt it obvious?

need i mention, alcohol, big pharm and other industries pouring in big money too keep marijuana illegal as well?

it should be no surprise that its discriminatory and clearly money driven

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I haven't seen that one...Do you have a link?...But my reading has me pretty well informed of its past uses...and developments of new uses,as well.Biofuel made from the seed is a direct replacement for petroleum diesel...It can be used at any ratio you desire....Why isn't this being seriously considered as a fuel replacement?...not to mention its some 20,000 other known uses to man....

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Appreciate it,Jolly....gonna go watch...And yes,It's well known about the money spent in the 30's to criminalize hemp...not because of drug uses,but because of developments in the petroleum and chemical industry...hemp oil was even used in paint...Organic paint?....hmmm?


Well-Known Member
it really is ridiculous the way things work around here...
smoke weed-go to jail
smoke ciggs-as long as you have an ID stating youre 18 youre cool
drink shroom tea-go to jail
drink alcohol-as long as youre 21

public safety my ass...driving from day to day probably puts you at more risk than anything else you do.

FDA wont approve of medicines that have natural substances. what the fuck!

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Pretty good video there,Jolly....And it was made in the mid 90's...How cheap was gas then?....What countries have legalized hemp for cultivation?....

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
LOL...I like that link...Basred on my reading,thats about what a gallon of cannafuel would cost to produce right now.


Well-Known Member
i hear veggie oil smells like french fries when your car is burning it.
wonder if cannafuel would smell like weed.

i drive a huge gas guzzler and cant afford to go anywhere that is not necessary.
i'd love to fill it up with a cannabis product.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Me is just too high....How long til its just for rich people...the rest of us will be ridin horses


Well-Known Member
i live in a small town and could get anywhere on a scooter...ive been trying to talk my parents into splurging on one for me but no luck. plus they are the ones that gave me a fucking expedition to drive...sometimes i feel like i should go to the bars around closing time and start doing to whole taxi thing lol.

it really is stupid to drive a car that fits 7 or 8 people when 99% of the time its just me.


Well-Known Member
i would enjoy a nice walk every now and then but its way too hot right now and there are crackheads walking everywhere just waiting to hit you up for a dollar or a cigg

i dont know man...what do we do?


Well-Known Member
i heard the new thing is people steal peoples license plates and put on their car so when they do a pump & run all they get is somebody elses license plate.

it's fucked up, but people resort to crazy shit when faced with feeding yourself or getting gas.