Legalize Industrial Hemp?


Well-Known Member
i definitely believe that hemp could be the way out of our oil & gas chokehold.
but first the gov. will have to be willing to give it a chance or nothing will ever come of it.

it would be awesome if all the pot smokers figured out a way to fuel our shit with hemp...then maybe peoples eyes would be open to the possibilities.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
it has already been hempcar...I had no clue about this til a couple of months ago....I can actually picture a totally self sufficient farm...but what will it take before that will be allowed?


Well-Known Member
Just last night on Law & Order, Det. Munch was talking about how William Randolph Hurst lobbied against pot (hemp) because it threatened his paper mill interests..


Well-Known Member
dammit if we have the know how then what the hell are we waiting for?

governments hands are dirty from all the bribes and deals that go on between them and big drug companies along with tobacco, alcohol, and numerous other industries wanting to keep it illegal.

but when do we reach the point where it doesnt matter how much money those companies throw out, we will produce the most effective and safe product dispite their evil wishes.


Well-Known Member
Just last night on Law & Order, Det. Munch was talking about how William Randolph Hurst lobbied against pot (hemp) because it threatened his paper mill interests..
thats what i'm talking about. its fucking stupid. why not just make hemp paper? easier, less chemicals, renewable

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
1 acre of hemp makes as much paper as 4.1 acres of trees...and is renewable every 4 months...sounds like good numbers to me...any drawbacks?

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
It makes me curious...I haven't been able to find a single drawback to industrial hemp...and yet you don't hear its benefits either


Well-Known Member
if they would allow industrial hemp, who knows where we could be.
we wouldnt be paying $4 gal. gas, we wouldnt be clearing out forests, we would be reducing the amount of pollution we pour into our atmosphere everyday.

but to make any real effect, america needs to change its lifestyle.
not everything is about Ipods, plasma tv's, and hummers.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Our lifestyle is already changing...I have to turn down work because it's too expensive to go over 50 miles from home...Once it affected my paycheck it affected my


Well-Known Member
obviously yours and mine has changed. but the other however many million that live in this country will have to change also.

still too many people in this country that just go with the flow.
our government isnt going to push for alternative fuels because of the huge oil market.
i'm sure they are paying up too along with the drug companies.

government doesnt care what the people think or want. THIS IS THEIR COUNTRY DAMMIT we just live in it.

oil companies would have to take a drastic hit from consumers basically boycotting the pumps before serious production of any alternative fuel comes along

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
No one is interested in cheaper fuel?...I know this is a smoker's site,thats how I found cheaper fuel leaves more money for new a bigger light.


Active Member
G'day mate I'm from Australia and both hemp and marijuana is prohibited. this is shit.



ANIMAL FOOD ( bird seed )
FIBERS ( very high grade)
Thermal insulation
Coarse textiles (carpets, upholstery)
Silage (is fermented, high-moisture fodder)
Insect repellent
MILK ( seeds are processed much like soy )
SPECIALTY PAPERS ( writing paper )
technical filters, and hygiene products
Biodegradable landscape matting & plant culture products


Hemp fiber usage in the European Union in 1999.
Class of product Quantity Consumed (tonnes)
Specialty pulp
( bank notes, technical filters, hygiene products) 24,882
Composites for autos 1,770
Construction & thermal insulation materials 1,095
Geo textiles 234
Other 650

Total 26,821 100

z“The global market for hemp-derived products is valued at between $100 million and $200 million annually” (Pinfold Consulting 1998; De Guzman 2001).


Active Member
G'day mate,

Yes I'm interested in hemps usefulness as a alternative to just about everything.
I like a bong don't get me wrong but it's industrial hemp thats got the most POTential.

We have to make people aware that industrial hemp is the answer to our energy problems and also it's green potential.

I don't understand why they don't grow hemp in between the rows of forestry pines trees after all they take years to grow. In the mean time we could be growing and harvesting industrial hemp.

cheers from Aussie land


New Member
Andrew Mellon became Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and Du pont's (that's right Jeff Gordon fans, Du Pont is the reason you can't smoke that joint) primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: 'marihuana' and pushed it into the consciousness of America

The first diesel engine was designed to run on vegetable oils, one of which was hemp oil. In the 1930s Henry Ford produced an automobile composed of 70 percent hemp plastic which also ran on hemp based fuel and oil. In 2001 the "Hempcar" circled the North American continent powered by hemp oil.

The real reason Cannabis has been outlawed has nothing to do with its effects on the mind and body

MARIJUANA is DANGEROUS. Pot is NOT harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does NOT pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people.

The truth is if marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb! Entrepreneurs have not been educated on the product potential of pot. The super rich have conspired to spread misinformation about an extremely versatile plant that, if used properly, would ruin their companies.

Lots more fun and interesting facts here --->
Marijuana Conspiracy - by Dough Yurchey

Enjoy :)