lets get back to basics


Active Member
I am not sure who I am aiming this rant towards, but I am getting sick of people missing the point of growing. The whole idea, is to first of all get people their medicine, and second to all to let people be self sufficient, and not make their boss wealthy. Every time I read some thread I keeo seeing, what I assume is "kids", but I am not sure...


Well-Known Member
im not quite sure what ur sayin bothers u, is it that theyre kids? or what they are saying? if so what are they saying? and its better if kids grow their own instead of buyin from some ass who sells at 35 a g for somethin they dont know where its been or what in it


Active Member
some how hit enter, I guess. what I am sying is, I have been through thousands of dollars worth of equipment. I am now back to coolt-8 for vegging, and warm t-5 for flowering. my buds are better than anything I have seen so far, and have been doing this for 4 months. I see so many weed gurus, and none of them are producing what they should be! stop being stupid! incourage newcomers, not newbys. If you knuckleheads,have been doing this for years, and are still shitty producers, stop typing, and get reading. I am not willing to post pics, but rest assured, if I am taking the time to do this, I at least give a shit. I am willing to give details to my grow, but not pics.


Well-Known Member
i got you man. it upsets me too. a lot of the people on this forum are kids who blaze cause they get fucked up and party. on the other hand, there are many on this forum who are here because they revere and respect cannabis for the medicine and plant of industry that it is. i myself am a part of the latter group, but grew up in south carolina as part of the cheap dope slinging, quick money making culture. so i totally understand where these kids are coming from. (though i hate it with a passion.) my only hope is that by coming to this site, these youngsters can come to understand what cannabis really is; a wonder plant, not just another way to get fucked up.


Active Member
hear ya, this is the first time I have had the passion to post a comment. I just cant imagine too many people are going to be encouraged by the simplicity of growing. the only requirement is giving a shit about your girls. any new grower is going to feel like they are in over their head by reading most of this info. I hear what your saying dubrules, I dot have an answer for the problem, but if I wasnt smart enough to feel the water for myself, I would be a wall mart greeter. instead I have a beautifull sts. we all could have a madoff life, if we worked together.


Well-Known Member
Myself I am tired of seeing small ass plants in flower, what the hell? Or 12/12 from seed or 30 days up now in flower. Rush Rush Rush. Learn the basics and read up on how the plant grows. Do people not understand that a plant must be mature to flower? and the longer the veg the better?
2 each is own, but it feels good to get it out.


Active Member
feel a little like an old monnonite lady. I assure you I am a former Marine. I keep seeing broke potheads, and every time I see them I make sainthood by throwing them a bud. it doesnt have to be like that, just take a leap. if people even had a clue of their potential, they would be dangerous. keep it simple, keep it perfect! you be be rewarded every time, all the time


Well-Known Member
Look at the pics Posted, lots don't know how 2 grow a descent plant. They think reading is over rated and that the basics are old school. I hate to tell them but for Centurys people/tribes have been trying/experimenting on how 2 grow more bud per plant. For the most part it's all written down in books.
I get a laugh out of these 1 oz or less plants, I figure at least 2 oz per plant there trying and will get 4+ per plant one day.


Well-Known Member
if you think about it man. everybody has there reasons for smoking it. so it is still a medecine. people just look at it in the wrong aspect..... you cant sterotype it as young people though. kus to keep i treal... im 19, and there are older folks that are still way too immature about smokin...

and to golden ganj, whatswrong with experimenting, ive done 12/12 grows, 160z cup grows. but i learned 30, 2 gallon bags under a 1000W light is way better, then using all those CFL's, hempy bucket's, 16 oz cups, 12/12 from clone/seed..... i beleive the wholepoint of indoor growing is having the power to manipulate the growing conditions specific for each strain, or come up with your own light schedule, whatever... cant hate for usin your mind in the focus of marjuana...... Pe@ce..........


Well-Known Member
if you think about it man. everybody has there reasons for smoking it. so it is still a medecine. people just look at it in the wrong aspect..... you cant sterotype it as young people though. kus to keep i treal... im 19, and there are older folks that are still way too immature about smokin...

and to golden ganj, whatswrong with experimenting, ive done 12/12 grows, 160z cup grows. but i learned 30, 2 gallon bags under a 1000W light is way better, then using all those CFL's, hempy bucket's, 16 oz cups, 12/12 from clone/seed..... i beleive the wholepoint of indoor growing is having the power to manipulate the growing conditions specific for each strain, or come up with your own light schedule, whatever... cant hate for usin your mind in the focus of marjuana...... Pe@ce..........
I myself love to experiment, but why spin your wheels or waste time? I.E. if a plant can not flower until it is mature (fact), then why rush it to 12/12 before it matures?


Well-Known Member
I myself love to experiment, but why spin your wheels or waste time? I.E. if a plant can not flower until it is mature (fact), then why rush it to 12/12 before it matures?
clones are just as mature as their mother was. so if u take a cut at two months the new clone start as mature as a 2 monther. if u get what im saying.


Well-Known Member
clones are just as mature as their mother was. so if u take a cut at two months the new clone start as mature as a 2 monther. if u get what im saying.
Yes true true, but watch and see, too many times you see people around here cloneing a 3 week old plant. If mother is not mature, clones will not be mature. People forget that.


Well-Known Member
Oh..now we're having fun!! Great post..

I've been smoking for over 30 years. Initially, it was all about getting as fucked up as possible, but I wasn't too far into it before I recognized the awesome insights that MJ can provide to your mind, and that it really is a magical plant. I used to throw all kinds of shit together -- weed, beer, coke, pills -- just trying to go 'over the top'. Now, all that's gone and smoking MJ is all I do, and quite lightly at that.

But man.... growing is a whole 'nuther deal!! When you grow, you have access to the real inner nirvana of the plant... I don't know how to explain it fully. Best I can say is to compare in your mind the magic of acquiring a bag on the street (none... degrading, if anything) versus the magic of trimming up your own bud. Growing, to me, is not about pulling down mass quantities and smoking myself and my friends to a crisp, or selling. It's all about the process and witnessing the plant go thru its magic right in front of your eyes, under your personal care... So yeah, don't rush your plants in a craven quest just to "get lots of weed".. Let the plants show you their magic.

But hey, there's nothing wrong with 12/12 from seed, or flowering at 2 weeks or whatever floats your boat if it's done in the right spirit... that spirit being the exploration of all of MJ's various avenues... What its telling us all by prospering under all these various conditions is that "I'm here for you.. I will survive.. I always find a way, and I always have... for millenia". It's because of its ability to take all comers that it's still with us, despite billions of dollars of effort to eradicate it.

Anyway, let's not jump on our young growing brothers because they may go overboard smoking their stash, posting silliness, or are in a hurry to pull a crop. A lot of us have been there, and came out a whole different way than how we went in. And, I find a lot of intelligent newbies on RIU who just want to know how to grow. The way I see it, if we put enough trained growers out there, the pigs will eventually see the total futility of their fight. There will be so much high-end dank out there that they'll just say "fuck it..." and roll one up themselves. And we'll have to wade thru a few goofballs and wannabes to get that done.

Now, here's one last thing I'll point out just for fun: Check out the number of pages in the RIU Forums under "General, Newbie, Problems, etc." -- they're in the THOUSANDS!! Now, go check out the "Smoke Reports" -- about 60 pages? So, we get 60 pages of smoke out of thousands of pages of grow discussion? Uhmmm... that's a pretty piss-poor yield!


Well-Known Member
Oh..now we're having fun!! Great post..

I've been smoking for over 30 years. Initially, it was all about getting as fucked up as possible, but I wasn't too far into it before I recognized the awesome insights that MJ can provide to your mind, and that it really is a magical plant. I used to throw all kinds of shit together -- weed, beer, coke, pills -- just trying to go 'over the top'. Now, all that's gone and smoking MJ is all I do, and quite lightly at that.

But man.... growing is a whole 'nuther deal!! When you grow, you have access to the real inner nirvana of the plant... I don't know how to explain it fully. Best I can say is to compare in your mind the magic of acquiring a bag on the street (none... degrading, if anything) versus the magic of trimming up your own bud. Growing, to me, is not about pulling down mass quantities and smoking myself and my friends to a crisp, or selling. It's all about the process and witnessing the plant go thru its magic right in front of your eyes, under your personal care... So yeah, don't rush your plants in a craven quest just to "get lots of weed".. Let the plants show you their magic.

But hey, there's nothing wrong with 12/12 from seed, or flowering at 2 weeks or whatever floats your boat if it's done in the right spirit... that spirit being the exploration of all of MJ's various avenues... What its telling us all by prospering under all these various conditions is that "I'm here for you.. I will survive.. I always find a way, and I always have... for millenia". It's because of its ability to take all comers that it's still with us, despite billions of dollars of effort to eradicate it.

Anyway, let's not jump on our young growing brothers because they may go overboard smoking their stash, posting silliness, or are in a hurry to pull a crop. A lot of us have been there, and came out a whole different way than how we went in. And, I find a lot of intelligent newbies on RIU who just want to know how to grow. The way I see it, if we put enough trained growers out there, the pigs will eventually see the total futility of their fight. There will be so much high-end dank out there that they'll just say "fuck it..." and roll one up themselves. And we'll have to wade thru a few goofballs and wannabes to get that done.

Now, here's one last thing I'll point out just for fun: Check out the number of pages in the RIU Forums under "General, Newbie, Problems, etc." -- they're in the THOUSANDS!! Now, go check out the "Smoke Reports" -- about 60 pages? So, we get 60 pages of smoke out of thousands of pages of grow discussion? Uhmmm... that's a pretty piss-poor yield!
That's Beautiful Man (snaping fingers).


Well-Known Member
Golden Ganja is Putting on Kd glasses and chillin in back dark smokey corner :blsmoke: waiting for more Poetry. :peace:
I can hear the flute and bongos now... man, that's some rad flutishness.. feel it? I was overcome, purely overcome, by reflecting on my discovery of growing. Smokin for 30 years, growing for five months with one harvest and another little scout troop starting up right now... The little beavers will be hitting the outdoor realm in a week. Keepin' it simple.. keepin' it real, just like my indoor (a 400W.. free bagseed, some $2 pots.. a $10 fan, and water). Sorry about violatin' the flourescent rule laid down by the Mark-man at the front of this vamp... but hey, I got sucked in by the hype, what can I say?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I can hear the flute and bongos now... man, that's some rad flutishness.. feel it? I was overcome, purely overcome, by reflecting on my discovery of growing. Smokin for 30 years, growing for five months with one harvest and another little scout troop starting up right now... The little beavers will be hitting the outdoor realm in a week. Keepin' it simple.. keepin' it real, just like my indoor (a 400W.. free bagseed, some $2 pots.. a $10 fan, and water). Sorry about violatin' the flourescent rule laid down by the Mark-man at the front of this vamp... but hey, I got sucked in by the hype, what can I say?:blsmoke:
I'm pickin up what your puttin down. I hang wind chimes in my garden and only stir clockwise. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm pickin up what your puttin down. I hang wind chimes in my garden and only stir clockwise. :joint:
My new babes will be esconced in a patch of awesome blue salvias and coral honeysuckle vine.. I can sit and look at that little spot for hours..

Thanks for the +rep, brutha... I'm mostly just trippin' on jet lag and missing my last couple ladies I still have on the vine..

Where'd everyone else go? I start trippin' and the house clears out...