Lets play Identify the weed.


Active Member
IM001990.jpgIM001991.jpgIM001993.jpgIM001994.jpgIM001995.jpgI have some bag seed from a friend and germinated a few seeds but have no idea what this strain is. So its up for grabs as to who can ID this thing. At the moment its about 2.5 weeks old. I started it in a solo cup and have moved it to a 3 gallon pot with some MG soil.


Well-Known Member
It's a marijuana plant! I win!

(What did I just win?)

To be more specific it looks like either and Indica/Sativa hybrid, or a Sativa/Indica hybrid, otherwise I would guess a pure strain of one or the other.

Anyway I know I got this one right.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmnnn, long leaves and also branching as high as the main stem.. Yup def a Weed, hope it's a gurl, looks like she will do some big stretch and the side branches may have top colas as big as the main, i have a Jamaican Dream similiar to this right now :weed: