Lighting issue, help!


Last night I decided to re-arrange my plugs around so that it caused less of a hazard to everything else. Little did I know that in my stoned state I FORGOT to turn the plug socket back on putting the timer out of sync by 7 and a half hours.

This means my plant has now had 20 and a half hours of dark, and the remainder to now be light. What the heck should I do? let it have 12 hours of light? or put it back into dark once four hours or so is up?

Not good, any information would be great, not having all this work go to waste on a hermie or something.


Well-Known Member
You'll be OK.... The plants become stressed when they get light when they weren't expecting it. Go ahead and set and activate your timer to resume your normal cycle. The plants can chalk it up to a rainy, cloudy day... :)


Active Member
if u dont want to change when they will be off and on do as smokermore said , what u must not do is give less than 12 hours of dark thats when flower hormones may get fucked up , so as long as u have a 12+ darkness regime ull be fine

i thought both smocker and serapis was talking the same thing i missunderstood


Well-Known Member
i would turn the light on and let it have 16 hours of light then go back to 12/12
Why would you do that? To confuse the plant's hormones further? I'd just resume the regular schedule at the correct time. Giving the plant an extra 4 hours of light isn't going to correct a lost 12 hour cycle. The plant just needs to get back to it's routine asap.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The plants can take extended dark periods in the flowering cycle but they do not like extended (unscheduled) periods of light. That is where the problems begin. If they start getting more light they will think it is spring and start to revert back to veg.


Active Member
what u have to do is : when u turn off lights leave it off for 12 at least , following that rule u can get to the original regime , if there are 4 hours left before the original shut oof of lights , light ut up for 4 hours untill u meet the original shut off


Good shit. That makes a lot of sense, thanks to all of you for clearing that up, appreciate it!