Lighting Question (For first Grow)


Well-Known Member
First off hello everyone this is my first post and first thread! I have read a lot on how to grow, cultivate and harvest Marijuana. Anywhoo, I have taken some seeds and have them in jars and some of them have sprouted. I have read many people have used florescent lights to start with. I purchased some cfls. 3 lamps each put out about 2000 lumen. Im only gonna grow 3 or 4 plants. Is that enough light? And can I continue to use florescent lighting throughout the grow? I really dont have much of a choice so Im hoping the answer is yes. If not what can I use that is sorta cheap that I can plug into a standard lamp fixture?



Active Member
i plan on doing the same thing, right now i got 5 plants bout 3 weeks in now with 4 fluro tubes and 3 43watt(2600lumen each) cfls for the sides, theyre doing amazing from what plp tell me its a good ammount for veg but if i were u id maybe get 2-3 more for flowering


Well-Known Member
that should be enough. what, watts are the cfl?
I think like 35/45 each or something like that, I wanna get long tube florescent's once they get bigger, but it is ok to use florescent's up until the point of flowering?


Well-Known Member
yes it is but as they get bigger you may want to get a few more cfls

but for now u have more than enough

good luck


Active Member
hey dont wanna take the post over but ive used my fluro tubes even during flowering is that baad?:S:S