lmao..i think my friend ruined his plant


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i dont even know where to begin but here it goes...a good friend of mine has a few plants growing but he also has his very first plant on his porch outside and its not far from harvest at all...well the other day he told me he noticed that knats are swarming it and there was some bugs on it he said...so his wife looked online for organic ways to make them leave...long story short he put Garlic, red pepper flakes, and vinegar in a cup of water for 24 hours then gave it to his plant...he called me yesterday to tell me all this and ask me why his plant is BLACK..i told him to get a picture asap so i could let you guys see it, and i dont know what the fuck is taking him so long but he says its getting worse...the stalk is black, the leaves and the buds...all black...anyone ever heard of such a thing...i told him to flush it he needs 15 gallons of water being as its in a 5 gallon bucket...any ideas? lmao

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Some people do strange things. Human hair wrapped around the stalk will solve some problems such as wild animals. Does this five gallon bucket have good drainage?