Looking for a desktop vaporizer that wont hurt my throat.


Well-Known Member
You'll most likely need to add water into the equation, so make sure the vaporizer supports water pipe adapters and such. Also, make sure it's a fast extractor, if you can be done with the whole bowl in a few hits, your throat will most likely be less irritated. Perhaps a Log vape? VapBong is also pretty popular.
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Well-Known Member
Tried the Volcano twice and after a week I had to stop using it. Very dry and sore after using it.
I've got 4 of these now. Standard and spherical glass wands. I don't use the hose myself. I just use the wand like a chillum. But they have cool shit to connect with bongs. I've just never done it.

I've never tried the Volcano, but I've only heard good things.