Excellent video, thanks. Btw, the direct link to the video isn't working, so I hit the link to 420mag. At the end of the video the following website pops up, it has a video from Rick Simpson that you may want to watch. No time for me, headed out to the other side of east bumfuck WY... Do they have Internet in WY? Just kidding you WY folks, I like WY, especially the miracle mile.
Also, I found the water distiller from the video on Amazon, but didn't have much time to look for the oil one.
My preference will be to find the oil distiller as it runs at lower temps per the video. I wonder if the cannabinoids are active in this oil as there is no mention of temps. My guess would be no, or very little. IMO you may still need to activate the oil by holding it at 225-250 for 45 minutes or so, preferably mixed @ 1:1.5 (ratio of weights) extract to coconut oil. You could do this in relatively small batches and is how I will go.
What an excellent way of making the extract. I'm definitely going to use this. Thanks bro.
This article sounds like Big Pharma already has the patients for the USThe folks in the prescription drug business are likely pouring money into the anti-legalize lobby. They don't want to develop and prove that cannabis is an effective treatment for any ailment, much less for cancer as it is one of their primary cash cows for new drugs. I mean, anyone can grow cannabis, the drug companies would not have a lock on the initial supply of the treatment via patents because mmj is a naturally occurring substance... though the US Gubmint holds the patent on CBD believe it or not....
My mom is fighting stage 3 ovarian cancer and is in Georgia. She's beating it so far. She's 80, I don't know if she could take the psychoactive stuff, but I'm going to make her some straight up CBD oil. She may not agree though, very religious. My old man's religious too, but would be growing marijuana if it were legal, he sees it as no different from tobacco. A lot of farmers down there have that opinion, whether they smoke or not..... I just had a vision of a few hundred acres planted all in weed instead of soybeans and peanuts lol. Maybe someday....
Sorry to hear about your Mom , maybe if she knew God said its okay , and she does not have to smoke it . When people reach older age they get set in their ways but there is always that “ maybe “ Your right the straight CBD might be the best way to go .The folks in the prescription drug business are likely pouring money into the anti-legalize lobby. They don't want to develop and prove that cannabis is an effective treatment for any ailment, much less for cancer as it is one of their primary cash cows for new drugs. I mean, anyone can grow cannabis, the drug companies would not have a lock on the initial supply of the treatment via patents because mmj is a naturally occurring substance... though the US Gubmint holds the patent on CBD believe it or not....
My mom is fighting stage 3 ovarian cancer and is in Georgia. She's beating it so far. She's 80, I don't know if she could take the psychoactive stuff, but I'm going to make her some straight up CBD oil. She may not agree though, very religious. My old man's religious too, but would be growing marijuana if it were legal, he sees it as no different from tobacco. A lot of farmers down there have that opinion, whether they smoke or not..... I just had a vision of a few hundred acres planted all in weed instead of soybeans and peanuts lol. Maybe someday....
This article sounds like Big Pharma already has the patients for the US
GW Pharmaceuticals announced April 20, "The United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued a Notice of Allowance for a patent which protects the use of Sativex as a treatment for cancer pain.
"The patent, entitled 'Pharmaceutical Compositions for the Treatment of Pain,' provides an exclusivity period until April 2025. The patent specifically covers a method of treating cancer related pain by administering a combination of the cannabinoids cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the two principal cannabinoids in Sativex®. In addition to this newly granted patent, Sativex® is protected by a number of other patents related to different aspects of the product.
"Sativex® is currently in Phase III clinical development as a treatment for cancer pain. Cancer pain represents the lead indication for Sativex® in the United States, where the medicine is partnered with Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd."
"Dr Geoffrey Guy, GW's Chairman, said, 'The grant of this US patent covering Sativex® as a treatment for cancer pain is part of a broad platform of intellectual property rights which continue to be developed by GW. GW now has 35 patent families as well as other forms of protection such as plant variety rights and proprietary know-how. We believe that this matrix of intellectual property provides GW with a unique position to benefit from the rich promise within the field of cannabinoid therapeutics.'
"Sativex® is approved in the UK, Spain, Czech Republic, Canada and New Zealand as a treatment of Multiple Sclerosis spasticity...
I had a major snafu during my process this time (of course it would happen when I'm documenting the process)....but it actually will turn out to be a pretty cool experiment to learn from!
So.....I got sidetracked this morning (keys locked in car, while car was running...) while cooking out the last little bit of Everclear from my oil and I let it overpurge/burn. the oil was smoking (well above 400 degrees I'd imagine) so I was well above the temperature for THC to be converting to CBN and I'm sure that lots of the cannabinoids boiled off into the air. I would imagine that this will be great sleep medicine, considering any cannabinoids left are probably mostly CBN. I'm going to go back an check that boiling points graph to make sure that is what happened. And of course I'll report back how the effect is on it.
** I just ate close to a gram of the above said oil so I'll let yall know how it treats me when I post back all the pics and details of the process later!
Smoke point of Hemp Oil is 330 F and Boiling point of THC is 320 to 356 F and CBD Boiling point is 314 F , it will be interesting to know your results from ingesting it .
Don’t know if there is a difference between Hemp oil and oil from Medical Marijuana ? I would think very little difference
Let us know how long the high lasts , Did you use bud or trim ? What was your yield ? Amount of trim and amount of oil ? Would one gram of the oil be what you usually ingest ? I like seeing VERY in big letters , must be good .So It has been roughly 3 hours since I ingested the gram and I'd say it is certainly safe to say not all of the cannabinoids were boiled off, and I did convert some THC to CBN. I 100% do feel a pretty intense but VERY relaxing high now...
Let us know how long the high lasts , Did you use bud or trim ? What was your yield ? Amount of trim and amount of oil ? Would one gram of the oil be what you usually ingest ? I like seeing VERY in big letters , must be good .
bshdctr that was very helpful , excellent job , it will be interesting to have a report on the batch you over heated , its cool that you were able to use all bud , that must be why your yield was so high , I take it you guys don’t have trouble getting Everclear out there . In the Task Force report it sound like they will outlaw Butane , Propane and Hexane so that will leave us with CO2 , Everclear and Oil Extraction . Big Pharma will use CO2 and will call it pharmaceutical grade then the State will probably issue a rule that the dispensary's can only sell pharmaceutical grade . They for sure try to screw us over on this . But we can build CO2 extractors , just need the money to do it .so 1st off, I had a bit of a messed up day while trying to do this, and things did not get done as detailed as I had planned. My apologies and hope this is still helpful for anybody reading this thread.
Here is the cannabis I used: 28 grams of Blue Dream buds, all about the size of a quarter or slightly larger.
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I placed the herb in a mason jar and covered with 16 oz. of Everclear. It took a little smashing with an old cannabis stock to get it all submerged
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After soaking for 45 min I poured it though a few coffee filters and squeezed out all the alcohol into a ceramic crockpot cooker dish. The herb is covered with alcohol once more to do a second wash.
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Once the alcohol cooked is down by 80-90% but was still a green liquid, I poured it into a small pyrex dish to finish purging in a water bath on my stove (or you can fully purge in the crock pot as I did with the second wash..)
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So usually I watch this little pyrex dish closely to make sure the water level stays constant and the dish is removed from the heat once the alcohol has been boiled away...........but this time I got a little busy and let the water all evaporate and the heat of the dish became high enough that the oil started smoking slightly and tuned a little darker, but it still looked almost BHO. Considering the oil heated up to a smoking point, I did not do any further decarbing. I was worried that I had maybe boiled off lots of THC by reaching the smoking point but the effect of the oil was pretty amazing still so I think it barley hit the smoking point and did not boil off many cannabinoids.
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I did not weigh the final result but think I got about 3 grams off the 1st 45min. soak , and another 3 grams of much darker oil from the 2nd soak that I let go overnight. The 1st oil was more BHO like due to the short soak time, and the second oil more black and runny due to the longer soak time. The effect I reported on is from eating the 1st lighter colored oil, and I will test the darker oil today.
The oil effect certainly seemed very potent and high in CBN....but that is just what I am reading from what my body and my wife's body experienced.
Hope this was useful!
Bubbagineer uses 00 caps so they are probably better , I had checked up on the cap machine awhile back and this is what I found . I'll have to check out that infrared thermometer , didn't know they were so cheap . 0 capsule .,can get 500 caps , the filling machine and the weight scales for $ 45.77Great info here, I appreciate this and will be putting this to use. I am still unclear about the finishing process and the need to reach 250 degrees F to decarb- the THCA. Is this added step needed? Also, has anyone measured a cupwarmer to see how hot it gets? I'll pick up an infrared thermometer at HF, they are about $20. Maybe something other than a cupwarmer would work better, probably depends on the container being used. A small lab type electric heater would be cool to have but that is getting a just a little too involved.
My plan is to purchase a countertop distiller for about $200 so the alcohol can be reclaimed. My local beer store has big bottles of Everclear for $36. Have a college student returning this coming week so I need to lay low for a while, but will probably set this up in my garage in a couple weeks. I suppose Walgreens will have the capsules and syringes, any suggestions on sizes for these? I'll pick up some coconut oil at Sprouts this weekend. Not sure if I want these doses to get me high or not, guess there is only one way to find out. Probably use G-13 Haze for the first batch, a hybrid indica/sativa, maybe a couple ounces.