looks like little suction cups on stalk!

does anyone know what these things are. there like these little tiny reddish brown like 1/2 shells that r stuck all over mostly the main stalk, and when i squish them guts all guishing out n shit WTF r these little bastards?
Okay, I guess I should have given a little more information. These are outdoor plants in a Southern California garden, with OG Kush, Venus Flytrap, Juicyfruit, and Bluedream. The bugs I am referring to are still in the larvae stage, no doubt. I've squashed 95% of them, I'm sure. What I'm curious about is when the 5% that I missed hatch what the hell are they gonna be? The little brown halfshells that contain the larvae are no larger than 1/2 of a split-pea. Gotta stop smoking long enough to find my camera, so I can take a picture before they hatch.