Lots of bad news for Denver..


Well-Known Member
There is elk here? I haven't even seen a deer yet..

If you want deer go to south texas and drive fast in the middle of night. You'll probably hit one or two..

New braunfels has the worst deer population you could ever imagine..
Ahh yes. The deer are the same here by me. If I run out the back door fast enough I might trip over 1 or 2 sleeping in the back yard.
I feed them and shit. I would shoot them, but ive grown kind of fond. And they leave my outdoor plants alone. So i let em stay.


Well-Known Member
Ahh yes. The deer are the same here by me. If I run out the back door fast enough I might trip over 1 or 2 sleeping in the back yard.
I feed them and shit. I would shoot them, but ive grown kind of fond. And they leave my outdoor plants alone. So i let em stay.
That's funny.. I use to live in central Texas and we had a group of about 30 deer at my moms.. We had about 40 acres.. My mom would feed em and shit. But she was totally against hunting.. But I had well over 100 plants.. The deer would lay beds right next to my plants and never once touch my shit.. I think they know wats up


Well-Known Member
There is elk here? I haven't even seen a deer yet..

If you want deer go to south texas and drive fast in the middle of night. You'll probably hit one or two..

New braunfels has the worst deer population you could ever imagine..
That ain't no shit.


Well-Known Member
Ahh yes. The deer are the same here by me. If I run out the back door fast enough I might trip over 1 or 2 sleeping in the back yard.
I feed them and shit. I would shoot them, but ive grown kind of fond. And they leave my outdoor plants alone. So i let em stay.
I don't feed them, I hit them at high speed on the highway. I feel bad. They feel worse. My car is sad.


Well-Known Member
^ this happens to everyone if you live in the right area, sadly it's a part of life for some of us. i try to drive under the speed limit in some rural areas, especially at night.


Well-Known Member
There is elk here? I haven't even seen a deer yet..

If you want deer go to south texas and drive fast in the middle of night. You'll probably hit one or two..

New braunfels has the worst deer population you could ever imagine..
I've hit too many deer around me almost got fucked up on my motorcycle too mother goes across the road and then runs back out for her baby I just barely stopped in time. No helmet just a T shirt and pants. Lol

Plus you don't want any of the bruised meat so it kind of defeats the purpose but most of the meat is good. :bigjoint:

But Kentucky and Tennessee have about the largest deer population in the country I looked up Kentucky and they say you can take 4 deer like damn I'd have to give one away. Lol, I been around their before we went to some park and they where everywhere barely even afraid of humans I walked right up to a doe maybe 10 feet away. Must be hell for outdoor growing. Lol


Well-Known Member
Decemberish it's about 6:30 am and Dawn is just starting to break over the horizon. I am driving along in medium traffic that is moving quite well at the 55 speed limit on a 4 lane. Traffic in front of me suddenly brakes and I see about maybe 50 yards in front of me I see this thing fly up in te air at least about 25-30 feet and it looks like a large raggedy old brown cardboard box just flailing around. As it got into the light of the dawn over the tree line on the other side of the road, I realize it's a medium sized deer probably a doe flailing around in mid air. It drops to the ground maybe 2 car links in front of me just off the road onto the shoulder. As I pass it is trying like hell to roll up on its feet to no avail. It was broken. I of course pray because I am a lover of all living things and hate to see anything suffer. That's the rare time when I wished I toted a gun since, I would have pulled over and expedited the animals fate without it having to suffer. I prayed someone else might stop and do such. I passed by the car and it was one of those small economy cars with the slanted hood and windshield. Slanted like a ramp and the windshield was crushed but not caved in.

Anyway. Just thought I would
Input. @ODanksta @Trousers are y'all frienemys yet? Peace and love my friends.
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Well-Known Member
i want to point too!

See you want to try to shoot me when you my friend need this

I love how people keep calling me out for my beliefs. ..man o man o man

Hey Srh88 and all ur loser TC croonies...use this...I get my rocks off over here and laugh at how sorry you guys are

Keep bowing down to Debby Harry..

Btw, u really stated here you would point and though u didn't state pull the trigger I'm sure you would

Awesome, ima save this thread and see if I can press charges because I feel threats from a dude in nJ,.....trust me threats can get u in some serious doodoo


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Well-Known Member
Dudes got at each other on this thread dam!! All I can say is just cause its not on a Google search or in the papers doesn't mean it didn't, or isn't going to happen.... Odank is a funny dude I enjoybhis posts


Well-Known Member
There is elk here? I haven't even seen a deer yet..

If you want deer go to south texas and drive fast in the middle of night. You'll probably hit one or two..

New braunfels has the worst deer population you could ever imagine..
Thats no shit man! I just got down here a few months ago and this place is crawling with deer. Was hanging at a hotel off 35 (15 mins S of NB) for a couple weeks looking for a house and every evening there would be a group of like 12-15 deer that would walk through the parking lot. I picked up a couple sheds just walking the dogs by the hotel.


Well-Known Member
See you want to try to shoot me when you my friend need this

I love how people keep calling me out for my beliefs. ..man o man o man

Hey Srh88 and all ur loser TC croonies...use this...I get my rocks off over here and laugh at how sorry you guys are

Keep bowing down to Debby Harry..

Btw, u really stated here you would point and though u didn't state pull the trigger I'm sure you would

Awesome, ima save this thread and see if I can press charges because I feel threats from a dude in nJ,.....trust me threats can get u in some serious doodoo

did the internet hurt you?..


Well-Known Member
I've hit too many deer around me almost got fucked up on my motorcycle too mother goes across the road and then runs back out for her baby I just barely stopped in time. No helmet just a T shirt and pants. Lol

Plus you don't want any of the bruised meat so it kind of defeats the purpose but most of the meat is good. :bigjoint:

But Kentucky and Tennessee have about the largest deer population in the country I looked up Kentucky and they say you can take 4 deer like damn I'd have to give one away. Lol, I been around their before we went to some park and they where everywhere barely even afraid of humans I walked right up to a doe maybe 10 feet away. Must be hell for outdoor growing. Lol
Give me one!


Well-Known Member
Dude. Teach us about COB. Do a how to or link it up if you have. I just wanna buy one tho. Sup wit dat. Dis thread went stupid anyway. Let's hijack this bitch. :bigjoint:
For real I looked into them COB things they do look like they might be great for horizontal but vertical? All the chips I seen are flat. Should be interesting that's for sure.