Lsd myth?


Well-Known Member
I have been told through the grapevine that LSD is hydrogen extract?

also if not what is the actual substance from?

can it occur naturally?

Another myth i'm curious about is that some man took it to the maharishi and the monk took it with him and had a few famous quotes supposably the creation of the universe? and a bit more.

if anyone knows anything about this it's greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
dude, its all done in labs... atleast as far as i know. but the weird thing is, is that when is was first around it was from the labs that military paid for so they could do their research on it as a chemical weapon. So, those labs were already setup. now a days, where does it come from... it would still have to come from a chemist in a lab, but how is this done.. you would have to have a lot of money to even attempt to make it. and as far as i know, not to many scientist are drug dealers. im not proposing any kinda conspiracy theroy but this issue has always perplexed me


Well-Known Member
Google LSD, and go to wikipedia and search LSD and then go to erowid and look up LSD. It isn't that hard to find information if you don't mind reading a little but people don't really like typing out information on the most used and most demonized psychoactive substance in the world. If you don't want to read for yourself, then you really don't care that much.



Well-Known Member
No its not a hydrogen extract, hydrogen is part of LSD, sort of.

As tebor said it is synthesized from ergot, more specifically it is a synthetic lysergic amide, the Diethylamide of lysergic acid. Lysergic substances occur in nature, in very small quantities in several specie of plant, like morning glory, and the fungus ergot, and several other. The LSA is the isolated and a reaction or several reactions are applied to it or its parts and you are left with a small percentage of your initial yield in LSD, but LSD is greatly more potent. There are several naturally occurring lysergides some of which are thought to be pharmacologically very similar in potency and effect, one that you may want to find out about is LSH, which is d-Lysergic Acid α-hydroxyethylamide, Bear Owsley was quoted as saying that Doctor Hoffmann, the father of LSD, told him that LSH is the closest thing to LSD you can find in nature.



Active Member

true lsd does not occur in nature. many plants produce compounds roughly similiar in nature, some with like properties, some not.

these days you vary rarely get true lsd, theres alot of stuff rendered from morning glory seeds, and other shit that is passed as acid becuase of similiar properties.

like the poster above said, based on ergot fungus broken down analyzed then purely synthesized. in its true laboratory grade form it is a purely synthetic compound.

no it is not rendered from hydrogen, but does contain hydrogen in its structure. C20H25N3O, 25 hydrogen to be exact, and how about its unabreviated chemical name


now thats a mouthfull, and that is the way its chemical structure is pronounced

and while the recipes and procedures are available, and tchnicly the process isnt insanely hard if u have a bit of lab training.

but theres alot of steps that u can fuck up. one part of the process is red spectrum synsative and degrades to poison, another part is yellow light sensative and degrades to poison.

while i myself could never make it, i could make a machine that could.

but unless you know what your doin, do not even try, nobody wants the brown acid.