Mag Deficiency? pics

well watever its all good caus no matter what its lacking the nutrients will fix, if it P or N or watever the nutes will fix that, but my phos levels seem to be a bit down, im gonna test my N levels an see watsup
according to the test if anything my N levels are to high/rite around sufficient. caus on my tester janks if they N levels were deficient the color would be a faded pink but the color is a solid pink
according to the test
but now it makes me feel iffy about putting more nutes into it since it seems i really only need P in it.

if i add nutes is it possible it mite end up being to much?
yeah i can tell the test arent very accurate it all really goes off of judgement of the color an shit, u can kinda get an idea but yah im gonna start out slow an see what sort of progress happens with the added nutes and graduatly add more as they are needed an what not
I used natural and organic premium plant food dynamite mater magic" i only put 2 table spoons in however startimg out with a lite dosage folowed by a watering, im gonna see how that does for it, a full dosage is 10 tbsp. So hopefuly in the next few days ill see some good things happening to my leaves, if not then i just have a retarted plant or to much light but its like 25-30" away so thats impossible lol
Would the back of the bag of soil i used list magnesium and a percentage if it was it it? It really only list nitrogen phospherus calcium an a few others but not magnesium, and same with the plant food i didnt see magnesium written anywhere on the packaging, but again idk if its even listed on the package but i feel like it should be. Imma get some epsom salt to, i mean theres no way it could be anything else, either a P or mag def, maybe slight burning from the light but i moved it so thats no longer a problem, ive out rulled a lot of possibilities tho,
But imma just do that n see what happens bro i feel like its gonna work, Either the epsom salt or the food, if neither works for some wack reason ill b back but hopefully not,
Ill keep up to date post on it imma get some buds of this girlly
what kind of light are your using, keeping it that far away is gonna make your ladies stretch (which you don't want)
You're running 250w? Get that bulb closer, man. Put a fan on it and lower that light to about no more than 12 to 14". Hold your hand at the plant top, if your hand doesn't burn your plant will be fine.
Ohh damn bro foreal? Shit the reason i did that was because i saw the spots an thought they were burns
Im using a 250mh light woth fans all over an perfectly venting, im gonna get that on there asap i didnt realize itd start stretching i kno that aint good, thank you for that
I had buds growing up into the hoods with 400w lights about 9" away. My 1K lights usually sit about 12" to 14" above the tops.
dammn well i got thatshit 14" away now so i should be all good, damn now that i think about it that coulda been the "stunted" growth:/