Mainy's topped SOG technique journal


Well-Known Member
Ok so as you can see the tops are turning up nicely and I'll be giving the super crop a few days to recover then im switching to 12/12 ..... Staying with blue light to stop the stretch for 2week then go full red :)
And this is a bud from its mamma ..... Rip mamma whom is now part of my lungs ... Ashes to ashes and so on and so forth;)
Forget the fun compation with the other geezer ( i forget his name) this is just a training technique for those who don't know or are interested :) enjoy!692&authkey=!AJkuZtlebv0Qog0&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg
Did the other old geezer drop out or what?


Well-Known Member
So the contest is dead? :(
man i was looking foreward to some good old blokes going head to head in a battle of wits. Two adverseries fighting it out day after day in a bloody battle that left one humiliated and one supreme champion of RIU. One with his chin held high above the heads of the mere mortals swimming the pages of RIU, and one scurring to hide in the shadows of the glass house section. An epic tail of two warriors from the tribe of jane locked in a dual to the death or just gpw, covered in blood, soil, sweat, and smoke. Slugging it out for 55-90 days straight. The anticipation of the official weigh out, and the glory of the victor for weeks to come. The threads claiming supremacy and the misguided verbalized thoughts of world domination and to be the next thing bigger than god and the!?!?!


Well-Known Member
any ov you guys be so kind to upload my new pics on the other page ( last post) please ....... The guy who used to do it did a runner lol


Well-Known Member
ok, so ill repeat it again. you've managed to load it there, wtf cant you do it yourself here? Am I missing something?
i can only upload a link from my phone :)
if you don't believe the pics are mine ..... Send me a pic of your grow and I'll do a nice paint job on it like iv done mine :)


Well-Known Member
How did you get that pic to that site in the first place?
from my phone ...... Its riu and microsft format or something which just wont let me upload a full pic ??? I can do youtube vids but thats just a straight link in a qoute box.

idk i must be getting old ha


Well-Known Member
Ok so as you can see the tops are turning up nicely and I'll be giving the super crop a few days to recover then im switching to 12/12 ..... Staying with blue light to stop the stretch for 2week then go full red :)
And this is a bud from its mamma ..... Rip mamma whom is now part of my lungs ... Ashes to ashes and so on and so forth;)
Forget the fun compation with the other geezer ( i forget his name) this is just a training technique for those who don't know or are interested :) enjoy!692&authkey=!AJkuZtlebv0Qog0&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg
I'll bring it back so it don't get lost lol