major room overhaul


Well-Known Member
so since ive gone hydro i think im gonna stick with it. money is the bottleneck so im going to have to do this in waves. right now since i finished my last crop and started hydro i have a 6 site aero rubbermade just chillin in the middle of my room. just experimental bagseed. this was just moved into 12/12 today. i dont really care about this experimental grow, but theyve been vegging like 2 months now lol so i figured i might as well flower em.

a bad thing about my room is that its solid concrete. so hanging lamps from the ceiling was a pain. i am in the process of drilling some boards around my room to simplfy the process of raising and lowering my lamps. im excited by this, i cant even say how i had to do this before(my lamps were haning directly from anchors not hooks, so it was a tedious process before)

im also planning to put in a few small shelves so i dont have shit just laying everywhere!


Well-Known Member
i thought i attached a pic. this is what my room looks like now. im prob going to take some irl pics later when i feel like walking down steps. and i think ill take some as i build other stuff which ill go into later in this thread



shawarma king
i thought i attached a pic. this is what my room looks like now. im prob going to take some irl pics later when i feel like walking down steps. and i think ill take some as i build other stuff which ill go into later in this thread
Pictures? We don't need pictures, look at all the detail in that drawing. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
when i first planned out my growroom i didnt really plan ahead. i live basically paycheck to paycheck so i just bought a 400watt MH and hps. what i wish i would have done is bought 4 t5 floros and a 600watt hps.

so my plan is this: im going to take my two 400watters(1mh 1hps) and put them both in the flowering room(ill prob rotate the lights over the plants every other day or something so they both get some hps lighting). and im going to veg with 4 t12 floros. eventually i will upgrade to two 600watt hps and t5 floros for veg. but right now my money has to go towards my hydro setup.

my veg room will contain a 4 site rubbermade aero tub for mothers and a 12 site aero tub for clones.

my flowering room will contain a 24 site nft system. 6 sites per row, 4 rows. this is pending measurements- it could drop to 18 if i lack the room. i plan to try a scrog setup so i get to do more drilling into concrete so i can mount a screen. i scoped out home depots gutter things and found a nice brown enclosed one. $10 each!

unfortuantly the anchors i bought today were too big, so i get to go back to the depot tomorrow.

maybe if i can talk my fiancee into it, shell let me get a home depot card and i can do all this shit this week. otherwise itll prob have to be done in a couple waves.

1st wave - anchoring wood whereever i need to mount things like lamps/screen/lights/ect and buying the floros(2 of 4 purchased)

2nd wave - buying and constructing the nft system

3rd wave tweaking and finishing everything up



Well-Known Member
im going to smoke some of my celtic stone with the woman and see if i can talk her into the depot credit card. we have like 10 other cards whats another one amirite??!?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
if hanging and light moving is an issue just buy some 2 inch pvc and build a simple structure with a pipe across the middle and then attach some 50 cent eyes with bolts through the pvc or better yet cut a 3 foot 3 inch pvc and slide it over the 2 inch bar and you can use that with eyes to slide the light left and right.Basically you make a square base big around the gorw then in the middle of 2 side use a t fitting to make the up posts and then 1 top cross pipe using 90 degree elbows.Cost about $15 bucks and you can hand, nove or lower with chains safely with no structural change or concrete drilling


Well-Known Member
I have a suggestion - why not build a little room in there. doesn't need to be fancy - 2 x 4 (or PVC pipe) and wrap some panda plastic around it. I would also use pallets and styrofoam to get your system off the floor. Doing this I think will help make the area easier to climate control and keep clean. It will also aid in circulating air and maintaing odor control.

my two cents...


Well-Known Member
the only real problem is that its a fucking pain in the ass to drill concrete. i have a heavy duty drill that is made for this shit, but it still sucks and its still like an instant must shower situation after drilling(espicially when youre drilling a hole in concrete above you)

heres a link to the NFT system im gonna build.
im gonna change a few things(mine will be enclosed so i dont have to buy $200 worth of hydroton)


Well-Known Member
email- i already have the flowering/veg room seperated and the room itself is a decent size so airflow and all that is pretty good. i also have access to a hole which goes outside for fresh air(but i havent hooked up my exaust system yet since i dont have a small space heater and i dont want it to get too cold) im already slightly worried about temps when i flower when the lights are off. but by the time i start flowering some buds i care about, it shouldnt be too cold outside. i also have my current rubbermade tub on blocks of wood. and obv the nft system i plan to make will be a foot or two off the ground


Well-Known Member
Right - you don't have to drill into the concrete to build a little room. I'm talking about building a frame inside of your room and wrapping it with plastic (you could use drywall or plywood but plastic would be better for maintenance and will make it easier to tear down. you use the 2 x 4 (or PVC) frame to hand your lights, fans, etc... no more drilling!


Well-Known Member
i may however make a pvc manifold thing around my veg/flowering area to hold up mylar to get maximum use out of my lights. infact this def will be done in the veg area fo sho. i have yet to figure out how i could optimize the flowering room with making it tedious to move around.

one thing im super excited about is having a standalone rez that isnt akward to get to without turning the system off. no more slacking on taking ph measurements. but i prob still will...


Well-Known Member
im apprehensive on my lights hanging from pvc. plus i already drilled half the hole.

how are you supposed to remove anchors after you already hammered them up there? it would be nice to be able to reuse my old ones.


Well-Known Member
apparently the woman called citicards and got my credit limit raised without my knowledge. im gonna try to get a day off this week and knock this shit out. now all i need are seeds.


Well-Known Member
oh shit man, im getting that shit.

why the fuck didnt people tell me those were $20
cause the cement problems will seep through the wood. if you are going to use the driver (you can also use masonry nails without drilling) to attach your walls to the concrete/cement - you should really consider putting a layer of insulation between the cement and your grow room (or only anchor it to the cement - do not press up against it). otherwise you'll be dealing with all the same problems as cement (difficult climate control and humidity) and adding the possibility of mold and mildew becoming a problem.

again, i would encourage you to build a little room inside your cement room to insulate it from dampness and possible mold/mildew.


Well-Known Member
def doing nft and i am buying most of my supplies tomorrow. i forgot i have to order more net pots and rockwool cubes. prob will need more nutes too. anyone know how large of a pump i should get to split off into 4 tubes and run about 7 feet. was thinkin about 800-900gph.